DJ's Page of Pointless Rants

Well well well...more likely then not, you just stumbled upon my interesting little, pathetic excuse for a website. ^_^; Anyway, if anyone's out there!

-hears crickets chirping-

...This is just a place for me to throw my works of writing(i.e. Rants, reviews, fanfics) and is not meant to be even remotely good. So, while I seriously doubt anyone will see this, save my real life and online freinds (Hey guys! ^_^), I'll keep updating and basically talking to nothing but empty space. Eh, oh well....

By the way, if you have an objection to one of my ra... er, I mean editorials, keep in mind these are my opinions and do not take offense at them. Besides, I doubt they will offend anyone, seeing how the bulk of this page will be about video games and such....

Last Updated: April 12, 2003

I have no idea why you're here, but why not read one of my pieces of writing?

Updates to the Website, as few as they may be.
My rather large page of rants, er, I mean editorials.
My fanfics, as few as they may be
Stuff I felt like reviewing
Links to get outta this excuse for a website
You want to know about me?
Disclaimer, just in case