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What makes David sad? :(

Being broke, alone, and stuck in Pulaski.

But wait!

David doesn't have to be broke, alone, OR stuck in Pulaski ANYMORE!


Send everyone's favorite angsty emo-kid to New Mexico! This is a win-win situation folks, show your support and friendship for Bass by donating money to the cause and give Davido a chance to further his life -OR- if you can't stand him this is your chance to GET HIM OUT OF PULASKI!!!! :D:D:D There's no way to lose!

Just click the link to Paypal donations and give a little to the cause, so we can make David look like this -

-all of the time! ;)

We're looking to raise about $200 dollars for a bus ticket, and any extra will go for little details, like food.

Check out David's pages, and his trip details:

David's Livejournal
David's Myspace
Map to New Mexico

~*Brought to you by the Foundation for a Happier David*~