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Tri Chi Women's Social Club


Ouachita Baptist University


This site was created in the spring of 2001 in order for the Tri Chi Women's Social Club to keep in touch over

the summer break.  Since that time it has been used by current OBU Tri Chi students and alumni.

If you have any pictures or announcements that you would like posted on this site,

please email Cara Harting at the link found at the very bottom of the page.,

****Please be praying for EVE SPARKS. She is currently in the hospital in Memphis and has been diagnosed with colon cancer. The cancer has already spread to numerous parts of her body, and she really needs to be lifted up right now. Thank you so much for your faithfulness in prayer!!!******


Tri Chi Links:

Photo Album

Tri Chi Alumni Contact Info


Tri Chi Chat Room

To obtain password info for the above link,

you must email Cara Harting at the link on the bottom of this screen


We are currently in the process of compiling data for Tri Chi alumni

(including home addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses).

If you are currently a Tri Chi or a Tri Chi alumni, please email Cara at the link below.



maintained by Cara Collinsworth Harting (PC 1999)




Email Cara


View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook

Tri Chi Alumni Who Are On Password-Protected Link Above (88):

Abby Sims        Aimee Fannin        Alison Grooms        Allison Lavender        Allison Miles Kennedy        Amy Bull        Amy Cobb-Jordan       

Amy Compton        Amy Garrett        April Hobbs        Becky Lemons     Begina Proctor        Beth Hart        Bethany Kyzar        Brandy Mosby "Capelle"

Brandy Ussery        Cara Ooten-Bernales        Carol Buck Depriest        Cendi Weatherford Engram        Chrissy Manning King        Christin Northern

Christy Cozart        DeAnna Swilling        Elise Turner        Elizabeth Mason        Gina Daulton        Heather McNutt        Jenifer Gordon     Jennifer Carroll

Jennifer Reece Fielding        Jennifer Holland        Jennifer Mills        Jennifer Waters        Janelle Hunt        Jeremi Beam        Jessica Heath        Jill Brannoni    

Julie Burrow        Julie Green        Julie West        Karlyn Hillman        Katie Gilliland-Bader        Keisha Miller Gassiott        Kelli Wolf       

Kelly Martin Stamps        Kiki Young        Krista Thomas Malin        Kristen Nelson        Laura Burns Baker        Laura Norris        LeAnne Segars

Leah Bushey        Leigh Russom Rogers        Lesley Floyd Branscum        Leslie Fodge        Lindsey Choate        Liz Frazier        Mary Collins       

Mary Elizabeth Crenshaw Tullos        Megan Stilwell        Megan Jantz Preedy        Melanie Ross Carlton        Michele Pickle        Misty Knighton

Monkey Williams        Nancy Swaningan        Pam Plummer        Patti Alexander        Rachael Sykes       Rachel Wart        Rebecca Lee        Roseanna Smith

Sadie Hines Dodson        Sara Fish Campbell        Shelley Stricker Hodges    Stacey Canady        Stacey Swilling        Stephanie Anderson Bird

Stephanie Kees        Tamara Rossworn        Tara Reese        Terry Williams Lewallen        Tilly Gambill    Tracy Viala        Whitney Hall