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Timberline Park Home Page

[ Home ] Timberline Park CC&Rs ] Events and Activities ] Board Meetings ] 2003 TPHA Officers ] President's Reports ] Comments ] Service Providers List ] Useful links ]


Welcome to the Timberline Park web site.  The main purpose is to provide residents of the neighborhood a means of communication and information.  As you can see, it is not fancy and does not have pretty pictures, just information people might want that live here.  Many things are under construction now and rather than wait until everything is developed it is being put out.  Please send an e-mail to the site in the comments section for ideas you would like to see and check back occasionally for new information.
2002 Operating Budget 1/20/02
Final 2001 Actuals vs. Budget 1/20/02
Need to contact a TPHA officer? 3/12/03
Do you have a good contractor to recommend?  
Have you seen our neighborhood security?

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Last updated 3/13/03

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