"A picture is worth a thousand words." - Somebody famous

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Some of these pictures will take a few minutes to load up, so be patient. Click on any of the images below to see them full-size.

This is a rainbow I saw at Masada:

Here's a better shot of the rainbow, taken after I got down from Masada:

This is a picture of the sunset at Caesarea, on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea:

The view from Tzfat:

(The staircase in the above photo was the scene of a battle in the 1948 war, prior to which the British gave the Arabs hand grenades and said, "Throw these. They'll explode." So as the Jews were coming up the staircase, the Arabs threw the hand grenades at them, and the Jews pulled the pins and threw them back. I am not making this up.)

Here's Gamla, in the Golan Heights. Like Masada, Gamla was the site of a Roman siege during the Bar Kochba Revolt which ended in a mass suicide by its Jewish defenders.