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Basic Communications

One of the most important parts of any team game is communication, and Team Fortress Classic is no different. Teammates should always be communicating with each other, providing status reports,coordinating attacks, and alerting their defense of incoming enemies. You'll need to set a few things up to do this, though, and we're here to help you through it.

Basic Team Communications

The easiest way to communicate with your teammates is with the team chat command. Bound to "U" by default, "U" command will allow you to type a message that only your teammates can see. Use this to alert your teammates of anything that they need to know during the game. If you want to switch keys for the team chat command, simply change it from TFC's configuration menu.

Advanced Team Communications

After using the "team chat" command a few times, you'll quickly find that it's very versatile, but also very time-consuming. You certainly can't stop to type a message while you're in the middle of a fight, so what you'll need are a few macros that send messages to your teammates with the press of a single key. The command for the team chat macro is "say_team". Unfortunately, there's no way to create messages with this command from the TFC configuration menu, so you'll have to do it manually. Let's say you wanted to create a message telling your team that there are enemies incoming to your base. Pull down the console (using the "~" key), and type:

bind i "say_team Alert to Base! Incoming Enemy!"

and press Enter. Now, when you press the 'i' key, this message will be sent to your teammates, letting them know that enemies are on the way. You can bind as many keys as you want this way, just be sure not to spam your teammates with too many unnecessary messages. Saying something once should be enough; if you abuse the communications feature by rapid-firing too many messages in a short period of time, you'll auotmatically be banned from communicating for a few seconds, depending on the server your on.

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