DISCLAIMER:  Scarecrow and Mrs. King is the property of Warner Bros. and Shoot the Moon Productions.  Where this story differs from the program on which it is based, it and its original characters are the property of the author.  Please do not reproduce or redistribute without the express permission of the author.

TITLE:  Eye Catching 

AUTHOR: Dixonhill

RATING: A good solid PG, and that’s only because of the Kool-Aid

SUMMARY: Teddy is growing up, but is the world ready for that?

TIMELINE: November 1996 – Teddy is almost six years old.  Philip has graduated college and is doing who knows what; Jamie is still in college.  Lee and Amanda are doing whatever I had them doing in the last Teddy story, unless I decide to change that at some point, which I could do, because none of the information about anyone besides Teddy has any bearing on this story.

FEEDBACK:  That IS why I do this

Author's Notes:  This story has been written with a very dear friend i mind.  She gave me a gift several months ago that she hoped would inspire a Teddy story, but I'm about 97% certain that this wasn't what she had in mind.  However, she's been going through a rough time lately and sure could use a chuckle or two. I hope I've done that..


To go to "Eye Catching" click on "Eye" Link



E-Mail the "The Teddy Chronicles" Web Page at:  TeddyStetsonsMom@angelfire.com 

All "Teddy" stories by: Dix Screen Captures by: SpencertheCat
Copyright © 2001 by The Teddy Chronicles. All rights reserved..