.ContestPosted By: wack0.

.New SectionsPosted By: PsyKo.
I have added 9 new sections that are up and running. Have fun and visit back every day. Like always!!!!! lol see ya!

.YummmyyPosted By: Dilotenet.
Alllllphagetttiiii is for meeee....

.BlahPosted By: Dilotenet.
I like horns

.New stuff...Posted By: PsyKo.
I am in the middle of adding 9 new sections... hehehehe cant tell you what they are.. You will find them up late tonight or tomorrow! Anyway I gotta work so peace!

.Stuff....Posted By: PsyKo.
I am working on new sections... Anyway better get to work.. More updates soon!

.What a day..Posted By: PsyKo.
Well yesterday me and BK went to Six Flags... We went on The Scream Machine 8... times, Nitro 3 times, Maducca (or however you wanna spell that), Batman and robin, batman, and escape from dino island. Me and BK went on the scream machine 4 times strait, towards 9 pm... We went on Nitro for the 3rd time just as the sun was setting, and we saw people in the back making out.. lol it was funny how they dident puke in each others mouth :-\ Anyway, I am really tired so I am not going to work today.. We went to Roy Rogers at like 12:00 am for dinner, lol.. It was fun.. The only the that sucked was this show.. At 10:00 pm, they put on a show bootleging, some famous songs, and turning them into something like "Six flags, in the street..." or some shit like that.. Anyway, Sorry for any typo's, but I am still tired, and feel like I am still going 90 mps... So anyway peace

.HeyaPosted By: PsyKo.
Well, I am getting lots of hits and fans IMing me and stuff... Anyway I am thinking of starting a contest.. Winner gets something.. I dunno what yet. Anyway, I just want to let everyone know that I am adding stuff to the site, and tweaking it.. So be expecting new stuff..... Well I gotta jet


.YAYPosted By: PsyKo.
Well I got the site up on the .net! I am so happy. Anyway look for more posts and updates.. Peace