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Will of John Anderson Swank

I, John A. Swank of the city of Columbus, County of Franklin, State of Ohio, being of full age and of sound mind and memory, do make, publish and declare this to be my LAST WILL and TESTAMENT, hereby revoking all and any wills by me heretofore made.


I direct that all my legal and just debts be paid as soon as practicable after my decease.


I, give, devise and bequeth all the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, real, personal or mixed, wheresoever situated, which I may own or have right to dispose of at the time of my death, to my wife, Carolyn S. Swank, to have the same in fee simple, absolutely and forever.


In the event my wife, Carolyn S. Swank, shall predecease me, or our deaths shall occur at the same time so that it cannot be determined which of us survives, then and in that event I leave all my property, real, personal, or mixed to the following named step-grandchildren: Chinell Ward, Stuart Ward, April Searls, and John Searls, per capita, share and share alike, to have and to hold the same in fee simple, absolutely and forever. I make this disposition of my property fully aware of the fact that I have other children, grandchildren and step-grandchildren.


I hereby nominate and appoint Charles W. Winters, to be executor of this my LAST WILL and TESTAMENT, hereby authorizing and empowering my said executor to compound, comprise, settle and adjust all debts and claims which may be presented against my estate or which may be due to my estate and to sell at public or private sale, at such prices and upon such terms of credit or otherwiseas he may deem best, the whole or any part of my real estate or other personal property, and to execute, acknowlege and deliver deeds or other proper instruments of conveyance therefore to the purchaser or purchasers. I direct that no bond be required of my said executor.

In testimony whereof, I hereunto subscribe my name at Columbus, Ohio this 1sy day of April, 1992.

John A. Swank

The foregoing instrument was signed by the said John A. Swank, and by him acknowleged to be his LAST WILL and TESTAMENT, before us and in our presence and at his request and in the presence of each other this 1st day of April, 1992.

Deborah Fabyan residing at Columbus Ohio

Darren Riggs residing at Columbus OHio

a personal note ******* this document was presented for Probate within ten days of My fathers death. Giving no time for any of his other children to contest the contents.*******