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                Welcome to The Smooth Criminal's web page.  We have created this site to warn everybody about the dangers that lurk in the online computer game "Counterstrike".  Counterstike is basically satan.  Many of our friends have become addicted to this evil game and their addiction has destroyed their social life, family, mental health, and much more.  We hope that with the evidence and facts presented on our web site, we can save you from this malevolent "game", counterstrike.

                On and offline Counterstrike addicts travel in packs, or what they call "clans".  We have even started our own pseudo-clan to battle these Counterstrike zombies.  Our clan is called "Smooth Criminals" or [SC] for short.  Although we all refuse to play Counterstike because of its sinful addiction and horrendous side effects, we plan to bring our clan to the mall where these "clans" breed and pay to play even more counterstrike.  These kids lead a life of crime, they will do anything to play CS, they will steal from their own parents to get money to play, they willprostitute themselves, and some will even kill (with their paintball guns) to play CS.

                Perhaps you would be interested in joining The Smooth Criminal's battle against Counterstrike by joining our clan.  Or maybe you'd like to see the evidence of the dangers of Counterstrike.  You may even want to rant about how Counterstrike may have ruined your life in our Guestbook.  You can do all of this by clicking our links to the left.  We are here to fight the evils of Counterstike, and we can not be stopped.  Until next time, stay clean kids, and when you think about playing Counterstike just pop in an old Michael Jackson tape and listen to him instead.