This site is dedicated...

To he with the V.R. on his wall and he who sings "God Save the King."
Mr. Sherlock Holmes and Sir Percy Blakeney.

And to the two men who became them.
Mr. Jeremy Brett and Mr. Douglas Sills.

I am forever grateful.

~*Lady Katherine

Having recently re-read a few of my stories posted here, I find I must apologize for them. I wrote them MANY years ago and hope (desperately) that my writing has greatly improved since then! The Mary Russell stories (not poetry) aren't too bad, but the Scarlet Pimpernel stuff... well, I was young. You have been justly warned.

The Sources of My Insanity!

What's New!

~* The Scarlet Pimpernel *~

Sir Percy Blakeney's Study
Where you can write your OWN story based on the first few sentences! Come try it!

My Faithful Authors!

~ Sherlock Holmes & Mary Russell ~

The Glossary!

My Shelves
Books everyone should read!

Behind the Curtain
My favorite plays and musicals of all time!

Around the World
Psycho stories from my travels!

Frequently Asked Questions

My Insanity Quiz!
How insane are you, compared to me?

The Logic Bunnies!
A new hide-and-seek game!


Random Thoughts

All About Me!
Who is this strange webmistress and does she have a life?
(Of course not!)

And Ode to Kati
I SWEAR I didn't write this, but it's funny anyway! :)


Come cast your vote in the poll! There's a new one whenever I get the time! :) If you have an idea for one, PLEASE e-mail me and let me know!

Site Map ~*~ ~*~ Awards for the Sitting Room!

Sherlock Holmes is not mine, nor is Mary Russell.
Percy and Marguerite Blakeney are also not mine.
Life is not fair.
Mademoiselle Trottier is obviously mine.
Don't sue me for my frivolity.
Thank you.

This is the Official Pet of Lady Katherine's Sitting Room! His name is Lord Pemmington and he is the second unmentioned member of the League of the Scarlet Pimpernel, but watch out because he spits!