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8/5/01: Alright...updates, updates, updates!! We are now officially 'Lucid Age' and happy about it...a band with a, a very special THANK YOU to Mike and his parents who have HOOKED US UP PHAT over the last few days...a new PA...some new miking equipment...all great stuff...lots of $$$...we also have a few more pictures up now...thanks for stoppin in...

The Lucid Age is:


Picture 1 (whole band...creepy...)
Picture 2 (Mike w/ Benny soloing)
Picture 3 (Benny and Dan soloing...or SOME of Dan...)
Picture 4 (Dan soloing)
Picture 5 (Chris and Benny)
Picture 6 (Chris tweaking out...Benny and Mike)
Picture 7 (Whole band...good shot)
Picture 8 (Chris and Dan with orange juice at school...CHRIS'S HAIR!!!)
