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What kind of cars have been featured on Seinfeld?

When where cars shown, used, and/or talked about in Seinfeld?

What kind of cars have been featured on Seinfeld?

Owner (year, color, make model) [Episode]  (comment)

  • Jerry (,, Sabb 900s) [The Bottle Deposit (2)] (stolen by mechanic, 2.3 liter non-turbocharged V6 engine, NY license plate #JVN-728)

  • Jerry (,, Ford Escort) [The Alternate Side] (rental, never shown)

  • Jerry (,,BMW 325i)[The Smelly Car] (2-door hardtop)

  • Jerry (,,BMW 525) [The Alternate Side] (2-door convertible)

  • Jerry (1997 Ford conversion van) [The Junk Mail] (given to Jerry from "Fragile" Frankie Merman for doing TV ads)

  • Kramer (blue-green 1977 Chevrolet Impala) [The Keys, The Airport, The Dinner Party, The Pothole] ()

  • Kramer (brown Ford LTD) [The Parking Garage] (wouldn't start)

  • Puddy (,,car) [The Burning] (pre-programmed with Christian radio stations and a "Jesus" fish)

  • Frank Costanza (19?? blue Ford Granada)[The Handicap Spot] ()

  • Frank Costanza (19?? GTO) [The Little Kicks] (George looks "bad" in this car)

  • George (1983 brown w/simulated wood grain Chrysler Le Baron) [The Mom and Pop Store] (convertible, belonged to John Voight, not the actor, notice the spelling of John)

  • George (,,car) [The Caddy] (Kramer crashes it while looking at Sue Ellen Mischke)

  • George (blue Ford Escort) [The Parking Space] (George gets into argument with Mike over parking etiquette)

  • George (,,car) [The Bubble Boy] (rental car?, George drives too fast, leaves Jerry behind)

  • George (,,Ford Contour) [The Caddy]

  • Newman, Kramer, Elaine (,,van) [The Dog] (rental)

  • Newman (199? black Acura NSX) [The Muffin Tops]

  • Newman (1975 brown Dodge Diplomat) [The Scofflaw]

  • Newman (USPS mail truck) []

  • Morty Seinfeld (199? Cadillac Coupe de Ville) [The Cadillac] (Morty sells car to Jack Klompas, Klompas sells it to Jerry)

  • Limousine [The Limo]

  • Taxi cabs [many episodes]

  • Kramer rode a motorcycle, semi, and van in "The Keys".

  • George rode in an ambulance in "The Heart Attack"

When where cars shown, used, and/or talked about in Seinfeld?

1. Can't find car in parking garage [The Parking Garage] 

2. George was in a parking space dispute with bald guy [The Parking Space] 

3. Mechanic steals Jerry's car(with JFK's golf clubs); tailed by Kramer and Newman in the postal van [The Bottle Deposit]

4. Jerry's car has bad BO [The Smelly Car] 

5. Elaine's a bad driver [The Wait Out] 

6. George parks frank's car in handicap spot [The Handicap Spot] 

7. Jerry buys new car from Puddy at dealership; Kramer goes for test drive [The Dealership] 

8. Jerry and Kramer distracted by Sue-Ellen wearing bra, leading to accident [The Caddy] 

9. Mental patient lands on George's Impala [The Bris] 

10. "Bad boy" George borrows Dad's GTO to impress Anna [The Little Kicks] 

11. Jerry and George take limo ride with Nazis [The Limo] 

12. "White Whale" Newman's brown Dodge Diplomat is the scofflaw who evades parking tickets [The Scofflaw] 

13. Kramer puts blood is Jerry's radiator [The Blood] 

14. George buys "Jon" Voight's Le baron [The Mom and Pop Store] 

15. Kramer drives to California but car breaks down; catches lift in van [The Keys] 

16. Car rental company doesn't "hold" Jerry's reservation [The Alternate Side] 

17. Jerry buys Dad a Cadillac [The Cadillac] 

18. Jerry buys Dad a second Cadillac, but Jack Klompus ruins it [The Money] 

19. Kramer adopts a highway and widens the lanes; Newman's postal van catches fire [The Pothole] 

20. Prostitutes are turning tricks in George's car - Kramer drives pink cadillac [The Wig Master] 

21. Puddy refuses to work on Jerry car's after Jerry accuses him of stealing his "move" [The Fusilli Jerry] 

22. Jerry wins a free van [The Junk Mail] 

23. Jerry and the gang get stuck in Puerto Rican Day traffic jam [The Puerto Rican Day] 

24. George drives over squirrel [The Merv Griffin Show] 

25. Mike trapped in Jerry's trunk [The Susie] 

26. Mental patient fiddles with George's engine, which catches on fire in front of Monk's restaurant [The Gum] 

27. George gets the job of moving parked cars [The Altermate Side] 

28. Elaine battles the Van Wyk on a desperate Airport run[The Bus Boy] 

29. George is making good time and losses Jerry [The Bubble Boy] 

30. Testicoff throws Elaine's organizer out the limo roof [The Marine Biologist] 

31. George follows a driver who he thought gave him the finger with a Yankee's player on the way to the telethon. [The Pledge Drive] 

32. Jerry witnesses a car accident. [The Good Samaritan] 

33. Jerry and George ride in a police cruiser in LA and let out the serial killer. [The Trip] 

34. George takes a slow taxi ride from the labor office to Jerry's to get to the phone. [The Boyfriend] 

35. Jerry takes a cold car ride home in Kramer's convertible and catches cold [the Stranded] 

36. Kramer's wild ride on the fire truck [The Secret Code] 

37. Elaine has an accident running into Ping [The Virgin] 

38. George parks his car at the stadium and Jerry and Kramer have it in an accident so Steinbrenner thinks George is dead. [The Caddy] 

39. "Saddam Hussein" double parks his car and Kramer can't get his heaterless car out to pick up Jerry and Elaine at the bakery. [The Dinner Party] 

40. Elaine makes up a story about being chased by wild teenagers so Jerry feels good about the noise in the car. [The Parking Space]

Courtesy of: A Lot of Seinfeld Lists