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Doomed Story

We're doomed

People (In order of appearance)

Name: Izzy
Personality: Skitzophrenic psychopath
Favorite color: red and black
hair color: black and purple
Claims to come from: Mercury
True?: not likely
Weapon of Choice: two long curved blades, extremely sharp and can cut through almost any material except for concrete and reinforced steel.

Name: Mayuri
Personality: Happy Bitch
Favorite Color: Lavender and blue
hair color: different shades of brown
Claims to come from: New York
True?: yes
Weapon of Choice: Short swords

Name: Jasmin
Personality: Bitch Queen
Favorite Color: violet and green
Hair color: dark brown
Claims to come from: Hyrule (Legend of Zelda...)
True?: NO (Link will never date you! HE'S MINE! MINE I SAY! *laughs insanely*)
Weapon of Choice: Although She hasn't fough yet, if provoked, she will be forced to you the flaming Kamakaze bats of doom (think Legend of

Name: Nadia
Personality: Demented person (lol)
Favorite Color: Black and grey
Hair color: black
Claims to come from: Pluto
True?: no
Weapon of Choice: Daggers and fire extinguishers and knives

Name: Wriston
Personality: Perverted Guy/comedian relief
Favorite Color: pink (lmfao)
Hair color: blue, pink, purple, green, bleach blond and brown sumwhere under it all
Claims to come from: Jupiter
True?: maybe
Weapon of Choice: Rubber Chicken

Name: Alana
Personality: Optimistic pessimist
Favorite Color: green and blue
Hair color: light brown
Claims to come from: New York
True?: yes
Weapon of Choice: Although she hasn't fought yet, if forced, will use portable tri-rocket launcher

Name: Arashdeep
Personality: Sane realist
Favorite Color: green and aqua
Hair color: brown
Claims to come from: New York
True?: yes
Weapon of Choice: If forced, will use taser and crossbow

Name: Jessie
Personality: insane self proclaimed super hero
Favorite Color: black and green
Hair color: lightish brown with the tips black
Claims to come from: Saturn
True?: no
Weapon of Choice: Mr. whack-a-bat

Name: Tanaz
Personality: Slightly Deranged intelligent person
Favorite Color: red and green
Hair color: black and brown
Claims to come from: Mars
True?: no
Weapon of Choice: Weapon similar to that of 'death' but handle engraved with red roses

Name: Irene
Personality: disturbed martial artist
Favorite Color: light colors
Hair color: Bleach Blond
Claims to come from: Neptune
True?: no
Weapon of Choice: Nim-chucks (cant spell...arg) and bamboo pole

Chapter 1
Isabelle, in sunglasses, walking around in Kissena Park.

Izzy: the accursed sun will no longer burn me!

Mayuri walks around feeling lost.

Mayuri: Wtf?! how did I end up here?! Last thing I remember was eating lunch!

Izzy bumps into Mayuri.

Izzy: ...Hyee!
Mayuri: Hi izzy why are we here? YOU DID THIS! BITCH!
Izzy:.......I got free sunglasses?
Mayrui: ....

Mayuri and Izzy shrugged and continued to get lost. Eventually, they find Jasmin flirting with some dude, who was SMOKING!! (i'll never forget...NEVER!) Jasmin walks away

Jasmin: god dammit i forgot to ask him for his name and telephone number!
Izzy:...HI JASMIN!
Mayuri:...[spaz]...Hello Jasmin....YOU DID THIS! BITCH QUEEN!
Jasmin: What?

Mayuri and Jasmin gossip while Izzy follows somewhat behind them. Eventually, they find Nadia in the comfort of the shadows from the trees.

Nadia: the bbuurrnnss....
Izzy: *nods*

Wriston runs out of no where swinging a bottle of wine around.

Izzy: MINE!

Izzy quickly grabs bottle of wine out of drunken wriston's hand and chugs. The sky suddenly fills with clouds. Alana walks in from nowhere.

Alana: wasnt that odd, it was just a clear day five minutes ago!
Jasmin: you got lost to?
Alana: *nods* why is this happening to us??
Mayuri: *points to the sky* YOU DID THIS! BITCH!

Lightening strikes mayuri.

Mayuri: *sizzle* ...sorry...

Arashdeep walks onto the scene from out of nowhere carrying a box of graham crackers.

Arashdeep: How did I get here? why am i carrying around a box of stale non useful cracker snacks?
Jasmin: join us! we nneeeedd yyoouu
Mayuri: ....*sizzle*
Nadia: gimme some o' dat *grabs box*
Alana: *giggle* WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!! *giggles some more*

Everyone turns to face Alana, except for wriston, who fell unconcious to the floor surrounded by broken glass due to Izzy's sudden assault. Kwanxxis walks in, dragging in Jeanine.

Kwannxxis introduces Jeanine.

Kwannxxis: this is Jeanine. Say hello to Jeanine.

Everyone says hello. Yay. Suddenly, Izzy goes into a strange uproar, and runs down a dirt path. Mayuri takes chase. Followed by Nadia, Arashdeep, Kwannxxis, Alana, and a straining Jasmin dragging a half dead wriston.

Alana: *skipping* we're all gonna dddiiieee!!! *sings happily*

Nadia slows down to a stop, and smacks the backside of Alana's head.

Alana: ooowwww
Nadia: more positive tone negativity

They continue, Mayuri still following Izzy.

Mayuri: Izzy's fault. SHE DID THIS! BITCH SLOW DOWN!

They stop, Jasmin dragging and sweating heavily finally dropping wriston. Izzy kneels against a tree, cleaning blood off a dagger talking to a severed head sitting write next to her.

Izzy: and then the guy said 'clip' when he meant magazine.

Mayuri looked around nervously. Blood matted the grass, and there were a few limbs. This dead person was obviously a two dollar ho by the skimpy clothes the remaining body held.

A preson they've never seen before jumps out of the tree holding very long ninja swords. She wears a black baggy hody sweatshirt that says 'Freak, ardent enthusiast", and a pair of baggy blue jeans and a black beanie ([gangster] hat) over her brunette braided hair and deep blue eyes (with contacts... :P NYAH JESSIE BOO! lol Hey Jess, if i described you wrong, so sorry, but i just love dem ninja swords!)

Izzy: Hi Jessie
Jessie: ppffft why do you always have to leave a fsking mess

Mayuri jumps in...she thinks spaz again, then screams.

Mayuri: WHO ARE YOU???

Wriston suddenly wakes up.

Wriston: What are you doing in my house?!

Jasmin hits him over the head with a rock. He falls over unconcious again as Nadia walks around admiring the blood and gore. Alana giggles insanely and Kwannxxis and jeanine back away.

Alana: YAY WE'RE GONNA DIE! *giggle*

Arashdeep smacks Alana on the backside of her head. Alana shuts up.

Izzy: I'm sorry If I scared you...I sometimes go on rampages and...wait a did you get here?! HOW DID I GET HERE?! HOW DID WE GET ALL GET HERE?!

Mayuri punches Izzy in the jaw.

Mayuri: I think I'm supposed to be the one screaming! HOW DID WE GET HERE?! ITS ALL YOU FAULT! BITCHES!!! Mayuri screams to the sky, getting hit with lightening again.

Jasmin:....we're screwed
Arashdeep: Why did I ever decide to come to school
Alana:.......I am actually a great happy person....

Suddenly, the bushes start shaking, and feeling left out, Jessie goes to investigate. Tanaz jumps out of the bushes shouting BOO! she freaks everybody out except for Izzy, unconcious wriston, and jessie.

Izzy: hi tanaz...!
Tanaz: hello again!