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Leila's Internet Home and Resources.
My Life, My Interests

This Web last Updates March 26, 2004

Welcome    Mother    Maeve    Parenting    KinKeeper    Doula    Animals    Advocacy    Favorites    Photos


   Hello friends and family,

        I've redesigned my Internet home to keep up with all the new events happening in my life! Please take a look around!


Latest News: March 2004


About Me

        I'm a mother, wife, genealogist, doula-in-training, veterinary technician on-hold, reader, writer, horsewoman, former world traveler, advocate.  My interests are varied, as displayed on this website: from the anti-psychiatric drug movement to Battle Bots, from sci-fi fantasy literature to eco-housing, from gentle birth to equestrian Olympic events.

        I was born about 32 years ago in Idaho, and from here lived in Guam, various states in the US, and Bangladesh, before finally settling in Pennsylvania. I have seven siblings, and a large extended family, including my husband's side. My interest in family connections and history started me on the long path of genealogy, and that, in turn, led to the creation of my family newsletter.  February 2004 marked the first on-line issue of Family!, and in March KinKeeper, my family/newsletter website, was officially launched.

        My husband and I met in his hometown, and after many years together we decided to get married and start a family. Our family-making jumped the gun by a few months: we were married July 12, 2002 and our daughter was born (full-term!) November 19, 2002. Slightly faster than we had initially intended, but that's the way things go!

        My first experience with birth was supporting a close friend through her labor and the birth of her daughter. Ironically, I was newly pregnant myself at the time (but didn't know it yet!) I was thrilled, scared, amazed, confused, awed and overwhelmed by the power of birth and the strength of my friend as she became a mother. When, almost nine months later, my own daughter was born, I had the support of two midwives acting as my doulas, physician, and the hands-on support of my husband to feel first-hand how much difference it makes to have loving, skilled, and determined support through such a powerful event. I am excited to have started the process of becoming a certified DONA birth and postpartum doula, so I can bring that support to other mothers and their partners.

        My interest in animals has been life-long. I grew up with dogs, and sometimes cats, occasional fish, and a few other creatures here and there. My first experience working with a vet (more observation) was as a preteen. Later, I volunteered as a veterinary assistant and was introduced the the term "veterinary technician."  It took me a few more years to find a school that offered the course.  I then transferred to Philadelphia for the more extensive technician course (including a full 6 months of Practicum in place of a short internship) offered by Harcum College. In the meantime, I ended up working for a cat-only veterinary practice-- suddenly, my personal feline brood increased from 2 to 6... sadly, we lost a cat last summer, so we now have 5 cats.  No wonder my husband wasn't too keen on my idea of someday working for a large-animal practice...