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Illian and Mayene

Today we get to learn about Illian and Mayene. On the map ( we see that Illian is a country beside Altara and Murandy. The politics in Illian are very different from what we know of. In Illian, the King is not the only political leader. He is “advised” by a council of lords, known as the Council of Nine. There is still another “advisory” body known as the Assemblage chosen by and from Illian’s merchants and shop owners. Both of these groups contend with the King for power, weakening it. The result is that no one group or person controls the nation. This leads to many disputes and problems.

The two palaces in Illian, the King’s Palace and the Great Hall of the Council, bear witness to the struggles between these two powers. The two huge Ogier-built, white palaces are built at either end of the Square of Tammaz, and each appears exactly identical to the other, with one subtle difference. The story goes that the first King of Illian told the first Council that they could have any palace they wished, so long as it was not larger than his. The result was a replica of the King’s Palace, but two feet smaller in every measurement. Illian is a nation wealthy from sea-, land-, and river-borne trade. And the capital city of Illian tends to show this richness. Illian has no massive defensive wall around its perimeter. From a distance the city seems to be made of nothing but towers and palaces, many marked by the artistry of Ogier craftmanship. Illian’s port district is very large. Named the Perfumed Quarter, because of the stench of hemp and pitch and sour harbour mud, it is cut off from the rest of the city. It’s citizens are usually left to fend for themselves.

But now, on to fashion! The men in Illian wear long coats, with raised collars. They also have beards that leave their upper lip bare. Many lords wear boots fringed with gold or silver, to show their wealth. Illianer women high and low wear wide-brimmed hats. The hats are held in place by long scarves that are wound around the neck in a very utilitarian and decorative fashion. High ladies wear decorative slippers that are heavily worked with gold and silver. Their dresses are cut high at the hem, to show off the slippers, and the low at the neck, to show the lady’s natural assets.

Anyways, that’s enough for Illian. Now, on to Mayene! On the end of a peninsula in the Sea of Storms, and hemmed in by the bulk of Tear lies Mayene, not an actual nation, but an independent city-state. The fragile independence of Mayene is maintained by their secret oilfish shoals, producing lamp oil rivaling that from the olive groves of tear, Illian, and Tarabon.

The ruling family of Mayene claims to be descended from Artur Hawkwing, and uses the Paendrag name. The ruling man or woman is called “the First.” Originally there was a “second” lord or lady, but over the last four hundred years the tradition has changed, and there have been as many as nine second lords and ladies. Because of the constant threat from Tairen assassins, all high lords and ladies are trained in basic self-defense. The city-state itself is protected by the Mayener Winged Guards, the First’s personal guard.

For homework today, well… umm… I’m not sure! There’s not very much else to know about these two nations. So, this will be a free-bee. Write up some notes and post them here. AND, try to find at least ONE piece of new info about each nation.

WoT Concordance -
Illustrated WoT Worldbook -

Andor Cairhien Altara Tarabon Tear
Ghealdan and Amadicia The Borderlands Arad Doman and Murandy Illian and Mayene
The Aiel The Atha'an Miere The Ogier