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The Borderlands

In the far north of out land, lie the Borderlands: Shienar, Arafel, Kandor and Saldaea. They are united in a single cause, to keep the Blight back, and to keep the World safe from the creatures of the Shadow. But even though they are united, the border nations take great pride in their differences. The battle is the same, but their customs and dress are very different.

Shienar lies in the far northeast, beside the Mountains of Dhoom and the Spine of the Dragon. It’s capital city is Fal Moran. The difficult climate of cruel and harsh winters affects every Shienaran warrior. If asked what three things he values most, he will most certainly answer: Peace – because he has known only war. Beauty – because the Blight is filled with ugliness. And life – because he has already sworn himself to death. Sheinaran warriors are known as lancers, because of the fighting lances they carry. The warriors are easily identifiable, as they wear their hair in a topknot, with their head partially shaved around it. Their weapons are always close at hand, on their backs, or their belts. The towns in Shienar are designed as fortresses, centered on high ground to command the surrounding countryside. The perimeter for a half-mile or more around each town is clear-cut, to prevent sneak attacks. Shienar is truly a warriors nation.

Arafel lies west of Shienar, with a capital city of Shol Arbela. The men from Arafel are also easily recognizable, as they wear their hair in two long braids, usually with silver bells on the ends. Most natives are pale-skinned and appear to have unusually large eyes. Arafellin warriors are known to be skilled swordsmen, and they always wear two swords, both strapped to their backs, one hilt over each shoulder. They are capable of using both at once, one in each hand.

Kandor lies between Arafel and Saldaea, along the Blightborder. It’s capital city is Chachin, and although not well-located for commerce, the mearchants have established a strong reputation. Kandori men have distinctive forked beards, as well as one to three silver chains worn over their coats. Kandori usually wear an earring, and the earrings of some successful merchants and guilds are quite something. Members of the nobility also wear chains over their coats and earrings.

Finally, the last Borderland is Saldaea, the largest of the nations, stretching from the cliffs on the Aryth Ocean known as World’s End, to the River Arinelle and the northern edge of the Black Hills. Saldaens are known for their military prowess, as their ferocity in battle is at least equal to the other Border nations, and their equestrian skills are superior. War is a family event in Saldaea, and though the women do not participate in the fighting, they usually accompany their husbands on all military campaigns except those into the Blight. In the way of costume for Saldaean women, it reflects their strength of will, wearing a high-necked dress with long sleeves. Highborn women usually have fancy embroidery down the sleeves and on the collar, and dress is made from silk or brocade. Farmgirls wear the same style, except in wool. Men and women of all classes usually travel armed with at least a knife. But beware, in Saldaea steel is never drawn except when the wearer intends to use it.

Your homework is just to give me a quick write-up about the merits and downfalls of each Border nation.

Again, here are the links:
WoT Concordance -
Illustrated WoT Worldbook - Saying:
"It is better to have one woman on your side than ten men."

Andor Cairhien Altara Tarabon Tear
Ghealdan and AmadiciaArad Doman and Murandy Illian and Mayene
The Aiel The Atha'an Miere The Ogier