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Atha'an Miere

Good day! Today we’re going to learn a little bit about the Atha’an Miere, also called the Sea Folk.

The Atha’an Miere and a sea-dwelling people. They live on the ocean, in their darters, soarers, skimmers and rakers. They are born on the water - even if a mother must row out from shore in a borrowed boat to bear her child – and they die on the water if at all possible. And if they’re not on their ships, the Atha’an Miere will be found on the islands in the Aryth Ocean and the Sea of Storms. The biggest of these islands is Tremalking, located southwest of Tarabon and Amadicia.

The Atha’an Miere are as exotic in appearance as they are mysterious. Throughout the world tales relate of the almost irresistible allure of the Sea Fold women. The deep chocolate coloration of their skin and their unequaled grace contribute to their allure. The well-muscled, clean-shaven and bare-chested men are also considered dangerously handsome.

Men and women both wear baggy breeches held at the waist by brightly coloured sashes, multiple earrings, neck chains and bracelets, and bare feet. The women also wear brightly coloured, loose-fitting blouses, though only while in port, and have a ring in the left side of their nose. The quality of the fabrics is directly related to the status and financial state of the wearer. Women of rank wear a fine chain, hung with medallions, connecting the nose ring with one of their earrings. The quantity of medallions is related to rank, with high-ranking women wearing more medallions then those of lower rank. The men do not wear nose chains or nose rings.

As for the chain of command, the Sailmistress is the commander of the ship and crew. She controls where and when the ship travels, as well as who may board him. She is also regarded as the head of the family that is the ship’s crew, whether or not the relationship is actually one of blood. The Sailmistress always wears a nose-to-ear chain; the medallions on it denote clan, sept, and rank. She is aided by the Windfinder, her second officer and chief navigator. This position is also a woman, and their secret is that these women can most probably channel. Defense and trade aboard the ships is managed by the Cargomaster, who is also often married to the Sailmistress. The total crew aboard a ship is half female and half male.

The Atha’an Miere thrive on trade between nations, even buying silks and ivory from the lands beyond the Waste. The Sea Folk will also allow passage on their ships. One such custom is that they do not “charge” for passage. Instead, the passenger will exchange a gift of value equal to the gift of passage. Passage is never refused, except to Aes Sedai. Aes Sedai are the only ones who may be refused passage. This is because of the secret of the Windfinders, and so to protect this secret they occasionally will send a girl to the Tower, simply to keep Aes Sedai away.

So, that is a little bit about the Sea Folk. As for work, well…. how ‘bout you just write up some very good notes, Please include a line or two about the Sea Folk islands, Tremalking and Cantorin, and any information about the ships.

As always:
WoT Concordance -
Illustrated WoT Worldbook -

Saying: “The light be merciful to all who sail”

Andor Cairhien Altara Tarabon Tear
Ghealdan and Amadicia The Borderlands Arad Doman and Murandy Illian and Mayene
The Aiel The Ogier