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Alright everyone! Welcome to your first lesson of Customs and Costumes. In this class you will get to learn ALL about some of the (can you believe it!) Customs and Costumes of different nations in Randland. So, in other words, traditions, habits, a little geography, fashion, military… pretty much a little bit of everything about each nation. The purpose of this class is for you to better develop your character. Is she from Tarabon? Then how should she dress? What traditions and customs could she play upon in everyday life? Well, you may just get the answers in this course!

So, let’s get started! The first nation we will learn about is Andor, probably the most popular nation from the books, and perhaps the one we know most about, seeing as the major chars are from Andor. First, a little bit about the geography. Now, you can all reach over to those bookshelves of yours and possibly pull out The Fires of Heaven or the “World of RJ’s WoT” (if you have them). If not, don’t fret! So, let’s open the book up to the main map of Randland. (if you don’t have a book, go here: Now, ask yourself these questions: Where is Andor? What is the capital city? What are some other cities?

Okay, now that you’ve done that… Andor is the largest nation, and also one of the oldest and wealthiest. It is pretty much situated dead centre in Randland, with it’s boundaries extending from the River Erinin on the West, to the Mountains of Mist on the East. The north and south borders are much less defined, and are explained as being fought over for centuries. It exports many items, including wool, precious metals and iron work, tabac, and grain. The Andoran mark is more hightly valued and has more weight in gold than “equivalent” coins of other nations. Andor’s sigil is a rampant white lion, the White Lion, and it is featured on the banner, on a field of red.

A little bit of Andoran history tells us that Andor was founded during the War of the Hundred Years, during which many traditions were established. Queen Ishara, Andor’s first ruler, was a smart cookie, and realised that no one ruler would be able to take control of Artur Hawkwing’s empire, and so she instead focused on controlling the little bit that she could. Andor started off as just Caemlyn, but through the cautious movements of her rulers, expanded to what she is now. As a result of Queen Ishara, a tradition was formed that only a female ruler shall ever sit on the Lion Throne and wear the Rose Crown. The eldest daughter is known as the Daughter-Heir, and is sent to the White Tower to study.

The capital city is Caemlyn, which is one of the most beautiful cities in the land, aside from Tar Valon. As a resource, you can turn to page 906 in TFoH (Tor ’94 ed) or page 238 in the “World of RJ’s WoT”. Unfortunately, I didn’t find any websites with the city maps. *shrugs* Anyways! The city has two sections, the New City, built under two thousand years ago by man alone, and the ancient Inner City, built with the help of Ogier stonemasons and where is found the beautiful Royal Palace, the shining gem of Caemlyn. Most of the city’s perimeter is surrounded by a fifty-foot wall of silver white stone, broken by tall round towers and massive arched gates. Outside the wall, the city spreads in a crazy quilt of streets. Caemlyn also has an excellent library, though not as great as the ones in Tar Valon and in Cairhien.

As for the people themselves, most Andorans are of medium skin-tone with dark eyes and dark hair. The dresses generally have square-cut necks, showing little if any cleavage, and fitted sleeves. The dresses are sometimes embroidered with flowers and leaves, and are worn belted at the waist. Highborn ladies’ dresses are usually made of silk, using metallic threads for the embroidery and belt. Commoners’ dresses are made of wool, usually with higher necklines and with an apron. Most Andoran villages have a fashion that marks a woman as mature, whether braided hair, a kerchief, etc.
Men wear trousers and shirts with a coat over top. The coat is made with turned-back cuffs and an upstanding collar. Again, among the Highborn, the material is silk or brocade, with metallic threads and common men wear strong stout wool. A cloak is used by both men and women when needed.

But in this lesson I have barely covered Andor. As a result, your homework involves learning a little bit more. I would like you to pick a town from the list below, and present some information on it. You can tell of geography, customs, fashion, etc. Every little bit counts! Once some presentations are listed, I’d like you to reply to one of them, complimenting and critiquing it. This will give you a better ability to present information, seeing as we will no doubt be doing more!

So, here is your list, please choose one only, and if try not to do one that someone’s already done (I know, there may not quite be enough...) But anyways:
Caemlyn Palace
Deven Ride
Emond’s Field
Four Springs
The Mountains of Mist
Taren Ferry

Some useful links where you may find some info include:
WoT Concordance -
Illustrated WoT Worldbook -

Alright! Now I leave you today with these following Andoran sayings:
“A cat for a hat, or a hat for a cat, but nothing for nothing”
“Men believe the worst easily, and women believe it hides something still darker”

Cairhien Altara Tarabon Tear
Ghealdan and Amadicia The Borderlands Arad Doman and Murandy Illian and Mayene
The Aiel The Atha'an Miere The Ogier