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The Great Pyrenees ~ Is this a breed for you?

You've seen these big, beautiful white dogs. You're naturally impressed! You think you want one. This is understandable. But . . . . . is this the breed for you?

Here we'll point out some of the things which you will need to ponder when considering a Great Pyrenees. True, they are all you have dreamed of in a dog, but there are other considerations such as:

1.) Are you physically able to handle a large dog?
Basically gentle, they are very strong, and during the phases of puppyhood can be a real challenge.

2.) Can you afford a Great Pyrenees?
They are big dogs and big eaters while gaining maturity. Adults usually weight more than 100 pounds.

3.) Does dog hair around the house and possible on your clothes bother you?
While with routine grooming they are not much different than any other breed, they do shed and there are white hairs in Pyr homes and on Pyr people.

4.) Do you have room for a Pyr?
They are large and need space - indorrs and outdoors. Remember they are guard dogs and they bark and protect their domain.

5.) Are you and your family able to provide this, or do family members work?
A Pyr needs love and attention on a daily basis... A lonesome Pyr is a bored dog, and a bored dog can be destructive.

6.) Do you expect instant obedience at all times from a dog?
Pyrs can be willful and stubborn, especially if they are given repeated commands for frivolous drills or human whims.

7.) Are you aware of the disavantage
Digging big holes, barking at all hours of the day.

8.) Are you ready for 10-12 years of commitment, and do you know what that implies?

They are placid by nature and calm in the house, enjoying quiet periods in which to rest and sleep. But they are a large breed and as such are not always suited to life in a small apartment or an urban setting with little yard space.