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Please Note: I write these tutorials for everyone to enjoy. If you would like to share my tutorials with your groups, please feel free to do so, if you run an online list with AOL or CS, feel free to copy and paste my tutorials to your list, all I ask is that you include my title tag and link to my website :) And tell your members to share their creations with me, I love seeing what others do with my tuts. If you have a website and would like to link to any of my tutorials please feel free to do so, use my title tag if you like :) and please send me your web address so I can visit your site, one of my favorite things to do other than PSP is visit websites :) If you have any questions please just email me and Ill try my best to help :)


Chinese Paper Lantern Tutorial Written By PixxieStyxx

Note: You can set the line widths in this tutorial to suit your taste, my widths are just what I used myself, they are only meant as guidelines :)

Step1: First open up a new image, 500x500 and transparent background. (I like to have plenty of space to play around in, thats why its so big.)

Step2: Go to preset shapes choose ellipse, stroked and line width of 10, antialias checked.

Now go to your blank image and draw an oval, you want to make it a fairly good size but not to big.

Step3:Add a new layer. Draw another oval inside the first one, you want it a little smaller, cuz we're gonna move it around some. Go to the deformation tool now move the 2nd oval around so the top and bottom line up with the first oval and pull it out a little on both sides, you want it to look like the pic below.

Step4: Add another layer. Go to your draw tool. Select single line, stroked, line width 10, antialias checked.

Draw a line down the center of your ovals.

Step5: Add a new layer. And using the draw tool draw lines across your ovals. Draw as many or as few as you like, its up to you and what you like. :)

Step6: Add a new layer. Go to your preset shape tool. Rounded rectangle, stroked and filled, linewidth doesnt matter. Draw a small rectangle at the bottom of your oval. Draw it kinda short and fat. Move it around so it is in the center and a little over the bottom of your oval.

Step7: Add a new layer. Draw another rectangle at the top of your ovals, you want this one a little longer and thinner than the bottom one. Move it around so it is in the center and a little over the top of your oval.

Step8: Add a new layer. Go to preset shapes and select ellipse, stroked, linewidth 8, draw a small oval at the top of your lantern, dont worry if it goes into the center.

Now go to yourfreehandtool , feather 0, now draw around the lower half of the oval you just drew and hit delete. You now have the handle, move it so it centers up it the top of the lantern. Now go to layers and merge-visible.

Step9: Take your magicwand make sure feather is set at 0 and click inside the color of your lantern. Now this is where you want to use your bladepro or if you're using a solid color, you want to add an innerbevel, you can use the innerbevel in PSP or Eyecandy, just play around with the settings until you like the way it looks. After you're done, go to selections and select none.

Step10: Go back to your magicwand, make sure feather is set at 0. While holding down the shift key click inside of all the blank areas of your lantern.

Step11: Now bring up a picture you want to use and go to edit copy. Go back to your lantern and then go to edit, paste into selection.(You can now save your lantern as a tube for later use if you like)

Step12: Now go ahead and add a drop shadow, you can do this in PSP or Eyecandy, play around with the settings until you like the shadow.

Yayyyyyy you just made a Chinese Paper Lantern!!!! See how easy that was? Now you can decorate it with flowers or whatver you want to do, just have fun!! Let me know how you liked this tutorial and if you want more, my mail is always open :) PixxieStyxx
