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Crystal's Wonderful World of Pictures

Hi! My name is Crystal and I live in Reno Nevada. I made this page for my friends in California and anyone they want to share the page with. It's pretty much all about pictures, but it's also about our adventures. All my picture pages are linked below. Enjoy!

*UPDATE* October 16, 2004 - Hey, guys. Sorry, there hasn't been many changes around this joint lately. But since a CERTAIN KYLE has been badgering me to do something with this website, I suppose I'll have to upload some pictures or something. OH! We got a new computer!! *cricket cricket* OK, no-one cares. Anyway, I'll see if I can work on it, or do something. Check back in November, the play pictures for Ghost Train will be up!

*UPDATE* September 30, 2004 - I added an entry to my diary page. Hopefully I'll be doing more on here later. I need to scan pictures in.

*UPDATE!* June 28, 2004 - I added a page at the bottom of the links. It's called Crystal's Diary Page. I just can't get the diary sites online to work for me, so I'm expressing my feelings on my site.

*ANOTHER UPDATE!June 24, 2004 - Wow. We really love this site. Either that or we have nothing better to do all day than play on the computer. Okay, so I know you're wondering what in the name of Babaji is up with this RANDOM font color. Well the answer is simple. New font color, new person! Yes, I am The Elusive Tiffany. Really, that's my name. I'll be popping up with my two cents every now and then. Unsupervised by Crystal, of course. Heeheehee. She doesn't even know I'm taking over! Bwahaha. Ha. ha. Anyway, I'll be mainly restricted to the family pages but you never know, I can show up anywhere. I'll be in this font color that's SUPPOSED to be violet but looks pink to me. Whatever. Anyway, if this color doesn't show up on a page (or if I'm not in a particularly violent violet mood, I'll change colors at will. I'm unpredictable like that. If all goes well (in other words, if I behave) I might get my own page or two. *cackles* See you around the site. ~T

*UPDATE*June 24, 2004 - Lyssa here. I just finished with the Lyssa and Kyle page, and I also did my input on the Forum page. Kyle just had oral surgery (4 wisdom teeth extracted!), so he's not feeling too good. As soon as he gets better, we're gonna crack down on those play pages, and hopefully get the synopsis and everything for Forum up there, and, HOPEFULLY, Kyle will comment on all those pages he hasn't been commenting on. As always, I'll be updating everything and be doing my best to keep this site on it's balls. I mean, the ball, or it's feet... or something. Anyway, you know what I mean. Thanks for everyone's support! Bye!

June 23, 2004 - AHHH!!! IT'S MEEEEEEE!!!! MUAWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Everyone knows this is Lyssa, in the blue, in the flesh! MUAWHAHAHAHA-cough, cough, COUGH, COUGH! Ah! Sorry, damn sickness. Anyway, I've been working on pages... and I have plans... BIG plans! First, I will take over the friends and comics and plays pages, which I am in the process of doing! Then, and this update is the first step, I will take over this whole website! Then... who knows? The world? MUAWHAHAHAHAHA-coughhhhh, hack, spit...... Yeah, anyway, I am updating CONSTANTLY! Go check out all of the play pages, comics pages, and me and kyle's page. As always, I am blue, Kyle is green, and Crystal is whatever the hell she wants. Now, why are you still reading this? GO LOOK AT MY DAMN PAGES!

*UPDATE* June 23,2004 - We have a new page that we're working on. It will be a story, but it is unnamed as of now, and just the pictures are up right now. We'll have the rest later. I added a few pics to the Pretty Amy pictures page and one to the Other Friends page and one to the Family #1 page. Lyssa also started a Lyssa and Kyle page with just them. Lyssa and Kyle just made two new pages. One is called Lyssa's Plays, and the other one is Lyss's and Kyle's comics. Both of the link's are at the bottom. You can see pictures of two of the plays that they've done this last year (as sophomores) and also two comics that Kyle's drawn especially for this site. Me and Tiff are also working on a page called the Second Family Pictures Page. IT is under construction, but I decided to put the link up now so you could see it while we're working on it. Remember: Crystal will always be in the regular color, Lyssa will be in blue, Lyssa's ex-friend Lena will sometimes be in red, and Lyssa's best friend, family friend, and all around good guy Kyle will be in green. Don't forget to sign my guestbook and let me know what you think of the new page. ~~~ If you come here and i don't know you, what the hell are you doing here??? ;-)

Some of Crystal's Favorite Quotes

"You don't have to love in words,
Because even through the silences,
Love is always heard."

there is a curious paradox
that no one can explain
who understands the secret
in the reaping of the grain?
who understands why spring is born
out of winter's laboring pain?
or why we all must die a bit
before we grow again
From "The Fantasticks"

Without a hurt, the heart is hollow.
(From the song "Try To Remember" from "The Fantasticks")


Please Sign My Guestbook here: My Guestbook

*Click on the level to find out more about it. These are my results. If Lyssa takes the test, I'll have her put her results on the page about her and her friends. You should take the test. The link is at the bottom of the box. It's fun to find out what level of hell you're gonna end up at. I can't believe that i'm the 8th. shit.*

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Eigth Level of Hell - the Malebolge!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)High
Level 2 (Lustful)Low
Level 3 (Gluttonous)High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Very Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Moderate
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Moderate
Level 7 (Violent)Moderate
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Very High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante's Inferno Test

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Random smart person!

You are one of the very rare people online that can actually speak English. I commend you!

Personality Test Results

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Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

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My Photo Pages

Pretty Amy Pictures
Goofy Amy Pictures
Our First O-Town Trip - Story and Pictures
Pictures of Some of My Other Friends
Our First Joey Trip - Story and Pictures - The Trip from Reno to Tracy
Our First Joey Trip - Story and Pictures - The New Starter
Our First Joey Trip - Story and Pictures - Our First Day in LA
Family Pictures
Second Family Pictures Page
First Lyssa and Friends Page
Main Page for All of Lyssa's Plays
Lyssa's and Kyle's Comic Page
Pictures of Lyssa and Kyle
Unnamed Story (Black and White)
Crystal's Diary Page
