Bye every1- I'm closing down, just like Mickie :) (bye, mickie- we'll miss you)

Hey everyone. Not much going on here, except that I am very,very,very,very,very,VERY sad that mickie is gone, but she is very noble- and a great person. She always speaks the truth, and I admire that. Anyways- I am closing down too. I know its sudden, but oh well.

I never got very much response from muffinville- this page, if your a first timer- sorry. :) Occasionally I would have an email or two or three- lots of guestbook entries, but they would never come back usually.

I am not trying to copy mickie, of course- but I really am leaving cos of the same reasons- plus a new webpage i am making. It is Please go there. It wont be as extravagant- so it wont take up much time.

I'll miss everyone here, so Goodbye- have a w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l-l life everybody! I'll see ya around!

Here is my last layout

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