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Hello, my name is Marc Laush and I am a ninth grade student at Skyview Jr.High. I am doing a project that I have been working on throughout the year. I chose to do my project on Massage Therapy because it sounded interesting and I wanted to learn how to give good Massages, and who knows, I might just become a Professional Massage Therapist when i grow up. In this web site I am planning to give information on; benefits of Massage Therapy, signs of stress, the different types of Massage, how to give a Massage, prices for the different Massages, and the techniques of Massage used all around the world. If you are really interested in Massage e-mail me and I will be happy to give you places to go and some people to talk to. I thank you very much for visiting this web site.
get this gear!

Signs of Stress
Learn to Give a Massage
Links Page
