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Hi and thanks for looking on the new version of MadonnaCentre
- the international Fanzine Guide.

I would like to show you all produced Madonna Fanzines from around the world. That's very difficult to present all issues, maybe you can help me. You are a subscriber of a Fanzine, that isn't mentioned on MadonnaCentre? You are an editor of a Fanzine? Please click here to make a registration for MadonnaCentre; it's very easy. It doesn't matter, when your Fanzine wouldn't produced anymore. Please let me know about ALL FANZINES!

Do you have better scans of the covers? Do you want to make a correction on some information? I really appreciate it, when you contact me to help. Please send me an Email.

But before you'll visit this website, just let me tell you, that I have nothing to do with the contents of the Fanzines and Fanclubs. I only present them. I don't earn money with this job, it's in my freetime. Madonna, Warner Brothers, Maverick etc. aren't

MadonnaCentre is under construction and it will never be the fact, that it's ready! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me. I'll try to answer to all questions immediately. And if you'd like to subscribe to the Newsletter, send me an Email (no text necessary!)

Please read: I've nothing to do with the links on my site to other websites!

Have a nice time,