men who mined iron....
men who forged swords, men who called themselves lords

men who would hurt you
if you did not do ..what you were told to do

oh witness the heart break, witness the history

men who deny you
men who comply you.. to work for them for your living

when you were a hunter
you were a gatherer; your world was giving you your living!

oh witness the heart break, witness the history

men who would lead you
tell you what to think; men who would lead you to the brink

mankind on the edge -
this world's at a precipice; our children have no future

oh witness the heart break, witness the history

when I was new
i had a point of view; i do remember

oh yes, and how that heart beats
how strong that heart beats, i am not alone!

when you were new
you had a point of view; you must remember!

oh yes, and how that heart beats
how strong that heart beats, you arte not alone!

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