If this was the last song i would ever write
Would it come in one sweet flow, would it take all night
If this was the last song I would ever pen
Would it be remembered
When I'm dead and gone,
would anyone remember this song

If this was the last song I would ever call
Would it be the kind of song to top them all
Words to inspire the heart, verse's of love to bring
For sure that's the kind of song i would love to sing

I'd give it everything, give it everything I have got
I'd give it everything, give it everything..........

If this was the last song i would ever write
Would it be the kind of song to sing......
Around the fire at night,
under the moon, under the starlight,
into the darkness, into the dawn
Would anyone sing this song,
Who would sing along......

If this was the last song i would ever sing,
I'd sing it out loud, and let my voice ring
Into universe, part of this song of life
If this was my last song, if this was the last song

I'd give it everything, give it everything I have got
I'd give it everything, give it everything..........

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