john taylor gatto, a teacher in new york,
working with the children
was his lifes work
he really loved those children,
he really loved those kids
and that is why john taylor gatto
decided to quit

john taylor gatto saw the damage every day
he tried his best to mitigate it
yet the system would have it's way
when john taylor gatto
was ill and on sick leave
the system tried to stop his work
to crush his strong belief
yet john taylor gatto
could not be stopped that way
re-instated, invigourated
john came back to play

john taylor gatto, a teacher in new york,
working with the children
was his lifes work
he really loved those children,
he really loved those kids
and that is why john taylor gatto
decided to quit

john taylor gatto saw the damage every day
he tried his best to mitigate that
yet the system would have it's way

thus while john taylor gatto
was ill and on sick leave
the system lied to stop his work
to crush his strong belief

john taylor gatto took up his research
investigated the history
looked deep into the birth
complusory 'education'
supposed gift to the nation
and what he found, deep underground
was a plan for controlling nations.....

psychological control
through lessons, bells and rules
the crushing of the learning skill
to be conjured through school....
and so we send our kids to strangers
whose only role's to keep the rules
each and every generation
reforms the system, only to be fooled.

john taylor gatto, he wrote his book,
the history of compulsory
state educatation - it's worth a look!
please take a look.
it applies to all of us, to every child you see
we've all been through, yes me and you
and now we must walk free.
and now we must learn free.

john taylor gatto

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