I do not intend to mass market unrecylable bits of plastic, therefore I provide much of my music for free via the internet. I intend to make my living from gigging as much as possible. If you like what you hear and wish to support me you can come to the gigs or if that is not possible, then please make a small donation via my paypal account. Every little bit helps.

donations gratefully received :-)

Who am I? My name is Corneilius, which is an old Roman name for Pan.

I 'work' every day, all day, researching the things that work and the things that don't work - I call it my practice, my yoga.

Many things I have tried. Some worked. Some did not. I don't repeat the ones that do not work.

Or at least I try not to. Bit by bit one is able to change!

What have I learned?

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