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Episode 1

Spell to receive their powers:
Cast by Phoebe

Hear now the words of the witches,
The secrets we hid in the night,
The oldest of Gods are invoked here
Great work of magic is sought.
In this night and in this hour,
I call upon the ancient power
Bring your powers to we sisters three
We want the power, give us the power.

Spell to kill Jeremy which didn't work:
Cast by Piper

Your love wither and depart
from my life and my heart,
Let me be, Jeremy, and go away forever.

Spell to vanquish Jeremy which finally worked:
Cast by the Halliwell Sisters

The Power of Three will set us free.

Episode 2

Read by Prue:

Javna feeds one week out of every year by stealing the life force from the young…by invoking the black magic power of The Evil Eye to gain eternal youth.

Read by Prue:

Hand of Fatima
The "Hand of Fatima": It says that the ---------- centuries ago to banish Javna back to where ever the hell he came from.

Spell to vanquish Javna:
Cast by the Sisters

Evil eyes, look unto thee
May they soon extinguished be.
Bend they will to the power of three,
Eye of earth, evil and accursed

Episode 3

Spell to Kill Shape-Shifters:
Cast by Phoebe

When in the circle that is home,
Safety's gone and evils roam,
Rid all beings from these walls,
We sisters three, now heed our call

Episode 4

Episode 5

Spell to attract men:
Cast by Piper and Phoebe

I conjure thee,
I conjure thee,
I'm the Queen you're to be,
As I desire so shall it be.

Episode 6

Read by Prue:


Episode 7

Read by Prue:

An evil sorceress cursed into her own dimension. She appears in reflections and has the power to possess innocents and use them as pawns to steal a witch’s power. To get rid of her, shatter her reflection.

Episode 8

The Truth Spell:
Cast by Prue

For those who want the truth revealed,
Opened hearts and secrets unsealed,
From now until its now again
Until then which the memory ends.
Those who now are in this house
Will hear the truth from others mouths.

Episode 9

Spell to put Matthew inside the locket:
Cast by Melinda Warren

Outside of time, outside of gain,
Know only sorrow, know only pain.

Spell to bring Melinda back from her time:
Cast by the three sisters

Melinda Warren,
Blood of our blood,
Our great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandmother,
We summon thee.

Episode 10

Spell to take their powers:
Cast by Prue Piper and Phoebe

From whence they came,
Return them now,
Vanish the words,
Vanish our powers.

Episode 11

Episode 12

Read by Piper:

The Wendigo
The Wendigo is a non-dead creature that roams the earth destroying the good-hearted and those in love. His fate is to wander the Earth feasting on human hearts. The first Wendigo was a mortal who was betrayed by his sweetheart. In revenge for the treachery, he slew his love and ate her heart. Rather than savor the warmth of revenge, his heart was in turn, turned to ice. During daylight hours, and the phases of the moon, the Wendigo looks as you or I. Beware the Wendigo on the three days of the full moon when his power and appetite are greatest. Beware being attacked by the Wendigo. He duplicates himself by attacking but not killing his prey.

Read by Prue:

c.f. (confa) Desiderata
It means con fir desiderata. It’s Latin for look up things that are yearned for. Alright, things that are yearned for. Wisdom, balance, unbecoming.

Read by Prue:

Unbecoming a Wendigo
Alright, unbecoming a Wendigo. So we have to kill the Wendigo that slashed you by melting its heart of ice.

Episode 13

And thus the Lord of War, his army invincible, swept through the streets leaving nothing but ashes in his wake. The cause would have been lost, had it not been for the appearance of an unlikely savior in the form of a woman. Her face lined with years of wisdom, her hands the fountainhead of a power beyond belief, the Warren Witch. Brianna appeared unarmed before the conquering army. Underestimating his foe, the Lord of War ordered her summarily execution, but his plan was not to be.

Spell to multiply strength:
Cast by Prue

Take my powers blessed be
Multiply their strength by three.

Episode 17

Spell to go back in time:
Cast by Phoebe

The bond which was not to be done
Give us the power to see it undone
And turn back time to whence it was begun.

Spell to bring the Sisters into their own time:
Cast by Patty, Litte Prue and Little Piper

A time for everything
And everything its place.
Return what has been moved
Through time and space.

The Nicholas-must-die spell:
Cast by Phoebe

Lavender, Mimosa, Holy thistle,
Cleans this evil from our mist,
Scatter its cells throughout time,
Let this Nick no more exist

Episode 18

Episode 19

Read by Phoebe:

Grimlocks are White Demons with Whirling red eyes, Underground Demons who roam from city to city killing powerful forces of Good by seeing the unique Auras that surround them, which they are able to do by stealing the sight of innocent children. The stolen eyesight will last twenty-four hours, but only if the children are alive. After the children’s use has waned, the Grimlocks consume them. To Destroy a Grimlock: Gather a Chasandra root and make a potion from it with which to blind the Grimlocks, thus killing them.

Episode 20

Read by Phoebe:

Lure an evil spirit
To lure an evil spirit. Mix equal parts of mercury and acid with the blood of one of the spirit's victims, pour it over his grave

Spell to banish the spirit of Jackson Ward:
Cast by Prue
Ashes to ashes, spirit to spirit,
Take his soul, banish this evil

Episode 21

Spell to exchange powers:
Cast by Piper

What's mine is yours,
What's yours is mine,
Let our powers cross the line.
I offer up my gift to share,
Switch our powers through the air.

Episode 22

Read by Phoebe:

The devil's sorcerer, Tempus. He can manipulate time anyway he chooses. Take him out of the time that he's in.
Spell to accelerate time:
Cast by Prue

Winds of time, gather around.
Give me wings to speed my way.
Rush me on my journey forward.
Let tomorrow be today.

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