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sorry i haven't done N E thing to the site lately, i've been VERY VERY busy, but, so that you all know, i will be adding a chubby doll section shortly.

Oh, and I'm redoing my site, so i really really need ideas or something, cuz i want to change it but i'm not sure how. thanx and happy pasting!

sorry peeps for not keepin up with the site... computer is screwed up majorly.. and i've been tryin to off and on work on my new site that i will bring out to the open soon... it'll rock your world!

I did make most of the dollz, but not all, so i would like to give thanx to everyone who's dollz are on my site for letting me have them on. Go to the links page to see all my favorite sites and sites that i got some of my dollz from. A special thanx goes out to The Tuder Doll Company, PEACE OUT!
