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Q&A: Penney from heaven

The Daily Cardinal spots up and shoots a few jumpers with UW's sharp shooting guard, junior Kirk Penney.

Penney, a New Zealand native and the first basketball Olympian in UW history, is the Badgers' only returning starter. Off the court, Penney may miss the home cooking of his mum, but on the court, Penney does not miss much. The Big Ten's leading three-point shooter in conference games for the 2000-2001 season, Penney is not only excited about the upcoming season but also the mini-golf challenge imposed by the Cardinal sports writers.

The Daily Cardinal: After a really good season last year, what did you work on this past off-season?

Kirk Penney: Working on the inside, bulking up and just improving overall. I worked on an inside-outside game.

DC: What is the most important aspect of your game?

KP: It's trying to play any role I can. I want to be as versatile as possible and just help the team in any way the coaches ask of me.

DC: How was playing for New Zealand in the Goodwill Games this past summer?

KP: It was a real honor representing my home country. We played competitive basketball. I was with a real good bunch of guys, so being successful was a bonus.

DC: How would you compare the competition in New Zealand versus that of the Big Ten?

KP: The competitions are both tough, but I think I prepare myself well for both. The big thing is the crowd. The crowds are real different and the one we have here is definitely special.

DC: What is your most memorable moment of your college career thus far?

KP: Well, of course the Final Four.

DC: How would you assess the team's performance after the first preseason game?

KP: I thought we played pretty well. The younger guys were terrific. The consistency is what this team is going to need. It is a long season, so it is going to be tough.

DC: During that first game, with you playing inside a little, we noticed a new shot to the Kirk Penney arsenal—a turn-around, fade-away jumper?

KP: I shot a couple in the first game and it was not that good. I will work on it, though.

DC: Why did you choose UW?

KP: After graduating from high school in New Zealand and playing pro basketball at age 17, I met [UW assistant coach] Tony Bennett. He really made me want to come here and be a part of the program here at the UW.

DC: What do you like to do outside of playing basketball?

KP: Draw. I am an artist at heart. Other than that, I'm an avid moviegoer. My favorite movies are "Meet the Parents" and "Gladiator," but I am also a big fan of the classics. I also love musicals. I also really enjoy beach volleyball. I played a lot this past summer and had such a blast.

DC: How about that golf game that you picked up?

KP: It is coming along but it will be on hold for a bit. I am learning.

DC: What do you shoot?

KP: Oh, we won't go there!

DC: What kind of music do you listen to?

KP: I listen to pretty much everything, except for country. But I am a big fan of Smashing Pumpkins and the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

DC: What is the most extravagant place you have ever traveled to?

KP: Sydney for the Summer Olympics was unforgettable. That city was just unbelievable. Traveling to Rome was also a great experience. Really, anytime I get to travel back home, it's just a great time.

DC: Back to basketball for one more question, who is the funniest player in the locker room this year?

KP: Mike Jackson. Give Mike the love on that one. He gets a few good ones in there.

—Interview conducted by Arvind Gopalratnam