Online from  17.4.2001 

Questo sito fornisce collegamenti ad altri siti divisi per categorie.Troverete inoltre: una lista pubblica di oltre 600 server per newsgroup, links a programmi per lo scambio di file con altri pc, collegamenti  a  stazioni radio fm italiane e altre ricevibili solo via internet,programmi gratuiti,frequenze satellitari,web tools; icone,banners,font,clip art notizie on line, le maggiori testate giornalistiche mondiali,un forum e una chat.


This site provides links to other sites listed by category. You will also find :

a list of public news servers that host the newsgroups most of you requested,

links to : radio stations worldwide, all of which, with the correct (free!) software, 

you will be able to hear via your computer.Web tools; 

free programs, icons,banners,font,clip art.

Peer to peer; news on line; a chat and a forum.

Every week i try to uncover a few hidden gems of websites and 

other goodies.I don't pretend to know all of the answers, I hope that my visitors will though! 

Follow the links and see where in the underground you are taken. Who knows, 

there may be treasure somewhere.



Post your comments to:jumpsu@yahoo.it



Last update: 18/Jul/02