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Lisa's Page

Lisa, I took down this page because I felt like destroying it, I accidently clicked on it when I was looking around through my links, and found out it was still up. Since everything stated on this page was/is a lie, its gone. No real reason keeping it around anymore, you blocked me from your email because you had to have the last word so I didnt even try to contact you. But I said final email, that meant I want going to email you anymore. You will probably never see this, and if you dont, I do not care. I just thought it was dumb to keep it up, and I doubt you care that I ripped it down. It just was useless. I am not mad at you anymore, I just do not give a damn, the only reason I got so mad at you was that you constantly had to disrespect me in all of your emails, and when I got tired of it, then I became an asshole. Which is fine if that is what you want me to be, I could care less what you think of me.