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SnapShots Taken During The
Indian   River   Amateur   Radio   Club's Monthly Meetings

The IRARC meets on the first Thursday of each month at the Community Church of the Nazarene, 400 Crockett Blvd, Merritt Island, Florida (directly across the boulevard from the Merritt Island Post Office), and to whom we thank for loan of their wallcovering for the background of this page. Visitors are always welcome!

Since we have just started the IRARC Home Page for the first time in its history, please bear with us as we build up our Gallery of The Most Photogenic Hams On The Planet. If you don't see your photo here, and you would like to, just send it to us, and we'll put you front, and center.


 Gail and ..............................  Roy Hill - W6QCM


 Dick - WN4K ..........  Juanita - N4USO


 Gene - W4JMX ..........  Bill - WA2NWI


 Bertie KD4WLR, and Armando KN4JN ...  conferring, and fielding


 Jim - W4BAL ..........  Keith - AC4FW
