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Hyperlink Media

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MA Online Journalism (MAOJ) 1999-2000

MAOJ News Samples >

Parish Councillor Calls For Nottingham Castle Assembly

The Nottingham Trent University

"This postgraduate/post-experience programme is designed to provide a vocational qualification with a sound theoretical underpinning. Students benefit from working with dedicated facilities at the former newsroom and studios of BBC East Midlands."

Cllr. Andrew Doughty, Nottingham's Natural Law Party Chairman

Cllr. Andrew Doughty talking to BBC East Midlands Today about his plans.
'Tower Of Peace' Has "Slim Chance"

March 2000

Scottish & Welsh devolution has inspired Nottingham's Natural Law Party chairman and Parish Councillor Andrew Doughty to call for a regional parliament in Nottingham.

Most bizzarely he also proposes that a "World Tower of Peace" should be built to house the parliament's delegates. The tower would overshadow the city's historic castle. Nottingham's City Planning officials doubt that the tower will go beyond the drawing board.

The Story in Full>>

Click below for the latest editorial samples from
- The Chartered Institute of Marketing's Technology Group
- and from BT's

  MAOJ News Samples > Landowners: The Right to Roam "Goes Too Far"


EuroPolls - Debating the European Single Currency


Ramblers argue that access to the countryside is an historical right.
The Right To Roam: Is it an
Historical Rite?

March 2000

Edward Greenwell of the Country Landowners' Association (CLA) says that the Countryside And Rights of Way Bill "goes too far." Landowners fear that the bill will only lead to dogs disturbing livestock. Yet the Ramblers' Association rejects the CLA's concerns.

Ramblers' Association spokesperson Claire Madron feels that there is adequate recourse if ramblers damage land and livestock. The law is otherwise "preventing law-abiding people from using the land," she argues.

The Full Story>>

Click below for the latest editorial samples from
- The Chartered Institute of Marketing's Technology Group
- and from BT's


MAOJ News Samples >

Farmers Excluded From e-Commerce Revolution


Electro-magnet : news, reviews and interviews

Farmers' produce

Farmers are seeking innovative ways to market produce through e-commerce and farmers' markets.
Crisis Forces Farmers To Diversify

May 2000

Farmers' incomes have fallen by 45% in the last two years. Subsequently, with no Government help available, farmers feel ignored and left out of the e-commerce revolution that could bolster their fortunes.

The e-commerce market is expected to be worth £10bn by the end of the year 2000. Yet the Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF) and the Department of Trade and Industry Industry seem oblivious to farmers' needs to find new ways of marketing their produce.

The Full Story>>

Click below for the latest editorial samples from
- The Chartered Institute of Marketing's Technology Group
- and from BT's


MAOJ News Samples >

Boo Hoo It's Dot Gone!

The Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation

The Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO)

Online clothes retailer shuts down after over-stretching the use of new technology and its finances.
Boo.Com: Will Tears Stop?

May 2000

The collapse of e-commerce clothes' trader will lead to 300 staff losing their jobs. The company received 30 offers to buy its business. Yet these offers were rejected, leading to Europe's first major e-commerce crash. As a result Boo's staff will only receive redundancy paymentsof just £800 each.

The crash also follows much hype about the industry's future prospects, backed by the Government's initiatives to make Britain the world's centre of e-commece. The result of a collapse in e-commerce stocks has instead added to the market's scepticism.

The Full Story>>

Click below for the latest editorial samples from
- The Chartered Institute of Marketing's Technology Group
- and from BT's

More Examples From My Portfolio

About My Portfolio

European-Atlantic Group

The European-Atlantic Group (E-AG)

Graham Jarvis is currently Editor and Return on Investment Spokesman for the Chartered Institute of Marketing's Technology Group's e-newletter and the Performance and Evaluation editor for BT InsightExec's Customer Zone (update - May 2004).

He has also worked in P.R. with the British Institute of Technology and E-commerce, the Red Consultancy, IIzuka Software Technologies Ltd, Easy Axcess UK Ltd, and Chelgate Ltd. His P.R work has been published in the UK, India and on the web.

"Hyperlink Media," is a portal that provides access to his journalism and Web design work. He has written for a number of print and online publications such as CIMTech International's e-newsletter, BT, The British Retail Consortium's Magazine, The Nottingham Evening Post,, The Diplomat, City Lights and Blueprint to name but a few.

His work also appeared in a number of newspapers as a local election candidate for national political party in Sutton South, Surrey (May 2002) and in Hampshire when he worked as the founder and chairman of the Democracy Movement's North East and East Hants' branch (1998-1999).

In January 1999 he organised a public debate on the European single currency - the euro. It featured Michael Mates MP. The debate was very successful, and it also raised a tidy sum for charity. This debate continues on, which was originally part of his MA Online Journalism project at The Nottingham Trent University (1999-2000). An update to display his more contemporary journalism and P.R work follows shortly.
