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Hosted By Topica

New To The Site Jan.9, 2002 The Gryffindor common room was added to the site today in a secret place only the Gryffindors know about. Other common rooms coming soon! Jan,11, 2002 Ravenclaw Common Room has been added! ------------------------------------------------------- Hey, you all! Welcome to the new and improved Harry Potter new News. Well... maybe it isn’t that improved yet. But it will be. How do I know? Well, it’s because... Wait a minute. I’m gettin way ahead of myself. Okay. Here. First let me give you the reason I moved from Homestead to Angelfire. Simply, its because Homestead began to charge for services. If I had stayed... well, I’d have to begin to charge for my site. And I don’t believe I should do that. I believe Harry Potter should be free of charge for everyone! So, how do I know Harry Potter New News will be better than ever! Simple. It’s because you will be more involved than ever! You will get a chance to be teachers, shop owners, Ministry of Magic employees, ect. You’ll get to decorate your dorms, create your own secret meeting places, parks, ect. To give me your input, head over to the LOUNGE. I’ll just check up on your activities. One way we have you more involved is through CONVERSATIONS. This is a brand new feature of Hogwarts, School on the Net. [Our RPG]. Here you get to talk to charecters from Rowling’s books. They may even reveal special clues, homework answers, hints, ect or you may just learn something new! Which ever way, talking to them is a valuable way to spend time. Still confused about how it works. Let’s use an example. Say your house was Ravenclaw. While in the Ravenclaw common room, you see the name Cho. To talk to Cho, click on her name. There will be a short conversation. At the bottom will be words. Click on one of the words for your answer to Cho. To keep you more involved, you will hold important roles. There will even be a special room for you to register your complaints, ideas, suggestions, and more."img src ="" To officialy join HPNN e-mail So enjoy the new, improved, better, and more interactive HP New News. Kate "img src ="" New! Check out the Owlery and send a message to your friend! Get your kuel stuff from Bravenet


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