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All pages on this site are copyright! If you want to know more about the terms of copyright check out This Site! You can also check out this Site, which is copyright information specifically for sim horse games.

Any pictures used on any of these pages must not be copyrighted (have a signature on them). This is a direct violation of the copyright law! If you take pictures off another website please make sure you have permission, link it back to the site or check that it is not copyrighted.

Harassment and use of profanity will not be tolerated in any way!

Members may make a registry or association at any time, go to Add a Page to send in the information and we will check over your page and put it up if it is acceptable. If you make a page, please keep it updated or it will have to be removed.

Any members may hold a show, ask the barn owner at the barn you board at to host your show there. Barn owners may use their own grounds for their shows.

You cannot enter in a show that you are the judge. You must have someone else judge for you if you are entering. You can also only enter one horse in classes that in real life you can only take one horse in. EX: you can only enter one horse in a western pleasure class because you can't ride two horses at once. Unless you have someone else to ride your horse(s). So therefore in this game you can only enter one horse in that class as well, and others like it!

When you join you will automatically will start at $100, 000. You must keep track of your money and at the end of every week email Sarah with all the changes (stuff you bought, stuff you sold). It would be a good idea to get a job if you don't own a business or barn. You can apply for one at any business or barn you would like, where they have job openings.

Barn owners may have as many horses and boarders as they would like. Only Breeding farms (with no boarders) can import horses (get them from another game)! The max of importing is 10 horses a year per breeding barn.

No horse/pony may have the same name and you cannot use one horse picture for two or more different horses.

All bred horses start with only 50% of either parents points. Which means you will need to enter your horses in shows to gain points. Unless they are imported then they keep the points they have already. The amount of points will also determine the selling and breeding price of your horses. So the more points your horses have the more they are worth. All horse that are made up start off with 0 pts.

Everyone must have there horses checked by the vet monthly and horses hooves done every 2 months. They must also buy feed and tack on a regular basis. Treat your sim horses like real ones or they will be sent to the Humane Association!

If your horse is sent to the Humane Association you will be notified and have 2 weeks to pay a fee and claim it back. After that it will be put up for adoption.

Anyone expcet for the person who lost the animal(s) may adopt an animal(s). It cost $1500 per horse, $50 for a cat and $100 for a dog. Under some cicumstances animals may be given away for free!

Mares and stallions must be at least 3 years old to be bred. Mares can be bred as many times a year as you would like. After breeding a mare you must wait 1 week before she can be bred again.

6 REAL months is equal to 1 SIM year, except for breeding, one week is like 10-12 months.