*Chapter 18 - We Need To Tell You Something*

“Claudia, honey?” her mom called softly from the doorway. “Yeah mom?” Claudia looked up from her book at the face peering through the door. “Can I come in?” she continued with a soft tone. “Yeah, of course.” Claudia said in a slightly serious tone. She knew her mother only talked like this when she wanted to talk seriously about something. This time was no different. “I need to talk to you about something,” she started, taking a seat on her daughter’s bed. Claudia just looked at her, waiting to see what it was her mom was going to talk to her about. “You really like Tay, don’t you?” her mom asked. Claudia wanted to roll her eyes but didn’t. The expression on her mom’s face seemed too serious. This wasn’t going to be some talk about boys and being careful, was it? Not again, she thought. “Yeah, I like him quite a bit. Why?” “Well… there’s something your dad and I need to tell you,” Claudia’s mom said, looking down nervously. “What is it mom?” Claudia was getting a bit eager. Looks like it wasn’t one of those talks, so what did she want to say if it was about Taylor, Claudia wondered. “Well, you see.. I don’t quite know how to say this.” She stalled. “Come on, mom. You can tell me anything. I’m a pretty big girl now.” Claudia grinned, trying to lighten the situation. This seemed a little too serious for her liking. “I just don’t know how to say this. You see, many years ago… about 20 years ago-” she started to say when she was suddenly inturrupted by her husband. “Iwa, come downstairs. Phone,” he glanced at Claudia before figuring out how to say who it was, “it’s, D.” Iwa gave him a ‘is it who I think it is?’ look and he nodded. Iwa looked kind of annoyed by this interruption and proceeded to slowly get off the bed and make her way to the phone in the hallway. “Who’s D?” Claudia looked at her dad, confused. “Oh, just a friend of your mother’s, honey. Don’t worry about it.” He said, the nervousness in his voice quite evident. Well, when he says it like that it makes me think I should worry about it, Claudia thought. What is up with them? Nervous phone calls, serious talks about Tay, what the hell is happening here? _____________________________________________________________________________________ “Hi, may I speak to Dragana please?” Masha spoke. “MASHA! OH MY GOD! When did you come back?” Masha giggled, “Hey Dragana! Umm…I’ve been back for a few days now! Or actually, it’s been a couple of weeks.” “And you never called me? How rude!” She pretended to be mad. “Aw, come on, there were so many people coming over, I never had time to call ANYONE. And then my boyfriend came with his brothers and all, so yeah.” She defended herself. “Boyfriend? What? You got a boyfriend and never told me about it? Masha, Masha! What has gotten into you?” “Yeah, yeah. Anyway, I was wondering if you wanted to come over. Maybe meet Zac?” She said, a small grin on her face. “And I’m assuming this Zac guy is the boyfriend?” “Wow, aren’t you smart! Hehe, yeah, he is. He’s really great. You’ll like him.” She smiled to herself. Hehe, if she only knew that this ‘Zac guy’ I was talking about was Zac Hanson. “Awesome. Alright, I’ll tell my dad to drive me over.” “Okay, bye bye.” “Bye,” and with that they hung up. Masha called Zac to come over and meet yet another one of her friends. When she mentioned the words ‘meet my friend’ he automatically responded with, “Is she a Hanson freak?” to which Masha laughed and said no. He was quite relieved and decided to come. He did miss Masha, after all, he hadn’t seen her since.. yesterday. Dragana was the first to arrive. She seemed really eager to meet her friend’s boyfriend and kept asking questions about him. “Is he nice?” “Is he hot?” “How old is he?” “How did you meet him?” and so on and so forth. Masha just told her to wait till he came and judge his looks and personality herself. Seconds later, there was a knock at the door. “I wonder who that could be,” Masha grinned deviously. As she opened the door she was greeted by a soft kiss. “Mmm…I’ve missed that,” she smiled at him. “You up for some more?” he grinned, giving her another, longer kiss. “Later, Zac. Right now, I want you to meet my friend,” she took his hand and led him to her room where Dragana was waiting. “Is that him?” were the first words out of her mouth. “No, Dragana. That’s just my long lost sister. Er, I mean brother,” Masha giggled. “Masha! Come on! You’re acting like Tay! I swear, ever since he decided to stop teasing me, you’ve been teasing me more. Can’t a guy ever have peace?” “Awww, I’m sorry, Zaccy,” she gave him a puppy face and proceeded to give him a soft peck on the lips. “Now that’s much better,” he smiled. “Awww, you guys are so cute,” Dragana commented. The expression on her face then changed to what looked like confusion or wonder. “Wait a minute. Aren’t you…” Masha and Zac exchanged glances and grinned. “…Zac Hanson?” she finished. “Yup,” he said with a laugh. By now, she demanded to know how on earth her friend ended up not just meeting, but going out with one of the Hansons. And so they told their story once again.

Chapter 19 - ***COMING SOON***
Chapter 17 - Getting Married?