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The Lists

Please read the following before joining the lists.

Who can join?
How do lists work?

Who can join?

The lists are presently for Singporeans to share about their pets. Initially,those overseas were free to join but there have been many people dropping out due to irrelevance of the information discussed. This made for a lot of problems for the administrators and we would like a relatively long staying group who can get to know one another well.

However, those who know a great deal about small mammalian pets are welcome to join to help and share your knowledge with the list members. Singapore does not have small mammal clubs or shows and generally, information is limited. So, please do write to me if you would like to help out in this area.

How do the lists work?

There are presently four lists.

The main list is This is an announcement list and no one can post to this list except the moderators. There are two moderators at this time and they are Hui Jen and sweeteepye. This list will inform members of contests and their deadlines and other items like updates to the websites.

Note: We will NOT put your email address on a list if you have not specified that you wish to be on the list. You can only join by emailing the moderators, or at the Yahoo! Groups home site.

The other lists include:

Hamster list:

Special lists

Hamster_updates list:

This list is for people who do not have time to read all the mails on tusmc_hamsters. It is managed by Natalie.

Hamster_tales list:

This list is for people who would like updates on Hamster Tales

Again, you must sign up for these lists and these are where the discussions take place.

These are mailing lists where your message will reach everyone on the list. This, presently, is unmoderated to allow posts to go to the members as fast as it is sent without having to go through me. However, as with the forum board, we advise that you not mail inappropriate messages. Any person/s guilty of doing so will be taken off the list without notice.So, what is appropriate? Any questions concerning small mammals, any announcements are allowed.

Subcribing and unsubscribing is really simple. All you have to do is to go to the same page. So, if you should ever find that you wish to be taken off the list, you may do so by going to the same page. If you have any problems, please mail me

Yahoogroups allows you some options of which you can try out at One of these is to allow you to have the list mail compiled in a "digest" form. This is advisable for those of you who do not check your mail at least every three days or so.

Mailing and discussion lists


Since the participation in lists is not deemed an official club, we cannot hold many activities. What we can offer now is discussion, information and presently, we also have photo contests - targeted at two a year. Other activities can be suggested and implemented by the list members as well. There are information sheets, quizes and surveys that are available to the list members on other pages of this site. Additions are always welcome.

The photo contest is open only to Singaporeans due to the nature of the prizes. The first photo contest was open to overseas members but we again ran into some problems when contestants dropped out of the lists and so on... We would like the winners and participants to again be on the lists as counting votes and giving prizes would be much easier and more fair. For example, it would be unfair to count votes of people who stopped by for the express purpose of helping their friends win.

Hamstermeets were held twice a year but unfortunately, had to be stopped this year. The last hamstermeet was in June. Hamstermeets are when list members come together to put faces to the people they've been writing to. Many members also bring their hamsters to the meet. 

Syrians/ Campbells/ Winter Whites/ Roborovskis / Email me
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