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Spatha and Bosk Inn
The Home Stone for Alar Nomads

Failte to the website for the Spatha and Bosk Inn family.

Before entering the site or the Home Stone it would be good to understand the rules that are in effect. A few words of warning at this time is prudent. While you are welcome to observe and to learn of Gor and the Gorean ways, there is to be absolutely no disrespect to any in the room, regardless of position. As is stated throughout O/our rules, violators will meet the BOOT of the the Ceann Cath.

Spatha and Bosk Inn Rules

A Free man who enters into the Inn will be addressed as "Master" by the kajirae, unless you do not wish to be called "Master," at which time you should make that desire known and you will be called "Jarl," according to Gorean tradition.

Rule 1: This is an Alar Nomad Inn, it is strictly Gorean. If you are not aware of Gorean ways, it is best to ask rather than to die. Trolling for cybersex is not allowed and judgement will be immediately carried out. Mistreatment of kajirae will not be be allowed.

Rule 2: The SBI is NCZ and NKZ, like all these rules this is strictly enforced.

Rule 3: Uncollared slaves or those that enter without a Master will be protected by the rules of the Inn. Those slaves that enter which are not collared to the Inn will not be allowed to serve or conduct chores.

Rule 4: Slaves must beg: entrance, away from keyboard (afk), and to leave the Inn. "Moofed" slaves do not need to beg reentrance.

Rule 5: PMs are granted on two conditions: first, the Ceann Cath (or the highest ranking Sword, if He is away) must approve and secondly, the one who you wish to pm must desire it as well.

Rule 6: When you pay for service -- a necessity -- the payment is NOT to go to the kajira/kajirus but into the collection basket near the Owner, Sword or Keeper of the Keys.

Rule 7: This Inn will not get in the way of a kajira and a Master. If a kajira finds a Gorean that she would like to go to after hours, the Inn will not stand in the way. If the kajira is collared to the Inn, the Owner's permission is required, but will be almost automatically granted.

All slaves collared to the Inn or entering without a Master accompanying them will automatically fall under the following rule - commonly known as the Turian Rule.

Any commands issued to a slave by her Master take precedence over any other instructions given her/him. A slave must work to obey her/his Master's every wish without hesitation, without question and with utmost devotion.

If the orders given to a slave by any Freeperson contradict those issued by her/his Master, the slave should politely explain this to them. Her/his Master's orders automatically override those of other Freepersons, no matter who they are. If a slave can see that there is a potential for a conflict she/he should politely inform the Freeperson in advance or at the earliest opportunity.


R&R 1: Slaves of the Inn may not touch or be touched by a Free Person, or non-Gorean except on the hand and then only during a serve. If the slave would like to have an exception made, she/he must get the consent of the Owner, Sword, or Holder of the Keys.

R&R 2: Slaves may serve food and drink to the Free or non-Gorean except larma fruit.

R&R 3: Slaves do not need to give sexual favors, kisses to anyone - Gorean or non-Gorean - or sit on another Free - Gorean or non-Gorean's lap without their consent and the consent of the Owner or Holder of the Keys.

R&R 4: Inn slaves have permission to "click" (ignore) or use the "off" button whenever an attempt to violate their restrictions is encountered. Slaves will then notify the Owner, Sword or Holder of the Keys so that it can be dealt with according to the rules stated above concerning Freepersons pm'ing without prior permission.

R&R 5: Inn slaves have permission to respectfully not serve non-Goreans if she/he feels that such a person is a threat to her/him.

R&R 6: No one is allowed to punish Inn slaves but the Owner. If any slave is disrespectful, save the transcript and he/she will be dealt with - the punishment will fit the crime. Send transcript and complaint to the e-mail below.

R&R 7: Slaves may dance for all, but not nude in the Inn.

R&R 8: Inn slaves are property of the Inn, the Owners will look unfavorably to anyone mistreating them.

I wish you bread for your table, salt for your pocket and fire for your hearth. Cathaoirmore of SvienBlueTeeth

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This site is copyrighted 2001 and is owned and maintained by Cathaoirmore of SvienBlueTeeth. Email:

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