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Back on the farm.
Michael, Rita, Nuala, Frank, and Pat

This was the day Pat left for America.
Tommy, Peter and Mary, Rita, Pat, Jack (behind Pat), Nuala and Jimmy

Nuala, Uncle Dick, and Julie.

The whole Casey family, sometime in the mid-1970s.
back row:  Tom, Nuala and Paddy; front row:  Danny, Pat, Rob and Marie

A get-together in Athboy.
Frank, Nuala, Kathleen, Jimmy and Michael

During Nuala's trip to San Francisco in September 1999, she met Trish and Mary McVey.
Mary's son Nathaniel, Mary's husband David Bartley, Trish, Nuala and Mary

Nuala and Pat also met their cousin Jack Glennon in Los Angeles.
Pat, Jack and Nuala

Manchester, April 2000, here's Nuala with Rob, Tom and Danny.

These are Tom's children, Joe and Nancy.

This is Danny's family.
Niamh, Danny, Siobhan, Rosaleen and Liam

Marie and her girls.
Katie, Marie and Ciara

Pat and his family.
Pat, Dylan, Todd and Lindsay

Rob gets credit for the first addition to the site, a picture of his brand-new baby boy, Francis Ryan Casey, born April 26, 2001, in Leeds.
Baby Francis

Here's Rob's whole family: Alice, Francis, Rob and Alison.
Alice, Francis, Rob, and Alison

And granny Nuala with the newest grandson.
Granny Nuala and Frankie

Click here for more pictures of Francis...
And even more pictures!


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