Simon Potter's
Complete Furcadian Guide

Furcadian Puzzle Craftsman

I rather enjoy crafting puzzles and games for dreams. Puzzles are great for quests and games make a dream more interactive. Naughts and Crosses (tic tac toe) is ok, but if you need something more original, perhaps I can help :-)


No need to move pieces around a board, just use the piece you are carrying and it leaves a mark in your spot on the board. Fast, fun game play, simple to learn, and a reset switch.


Pegleg - Move to a square, pegs pop up. Move to a new square and the pegs change. It's like a maze with constantly changing walls!


Astral Traveler is a short "ride" of sorts - a teleport to a room with constantly changing scenes of fire and clouds. As one visitor put it, "Dude, that was INTENSE!"

-= More to come=-