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Lady came to us on Sunday, July 1,2001. The way that I found Lady was from the IMPS website which stands for Internet Miniature Pinscher Service. This site rescues min pins from just about every state and places them up for adoption. Although she's only been with us for a very short time, she's alredy made herself right at home as if she's been with us from the beginning of her life.

Lady is 5 year old female, as her name implies, and is so full of love. She is a lap dog and loves everyone that she meets (so far). She even gets along with Gizmo, the cat. She's met her 'aunties' and the entire family agrees to name her Brandi. She comes to her new name when you call her. Her Auntie Shirley taught her to jump up on a foot stool so she then can jump on the bed to go night-night.

First pictures taken with the webcam

Up close and personal

I'm just humoring the humans here

Leaning up against Grandma. That Grandma makes a GREAT pillow! :c)

Brandi is starting to get a lot of nicknames. The first time Stephen saw her he called her Peanut. That name has now turned into Brandi McPeanut. Mom calls her Snicklefitz and Monkey Doodle. It's amazing that Brandi comes to anything. :c)

This was a picture taken at Brandi's first outing at the park. Problem is that she stepped on a bee before we left and her little paw hurt. Grandma is holding Brandi as she showing us her hurt paw.

I have to explain the following photos first . Due to it getting dark so earlier in the winter AND because I work later than most, I came up with a brillant way of Brandi standing out. What do you think?

Whatta laughing at? Hmmmmmm?

Brandi telling the person on the other end of the phone of her new look. I think Brandi's exact words were, "You gotta see what these people have done to me!" I think Grandma told her "Brandi, it's not THAT bad".

Brandi with Santa. This was taken at the Humane Society. She's in her Christmas shirt that I got for her at PetsMart. Although you can't see it, her shirt says "Deck the Halls with Bones and Biscuits Bow Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow"

Here's another pose but this time without her shirt.

Brandi now has a little brother to play with. His name is Chauncey. She gets along pretty well with Chauncey but she's very protective of her "cookies" or "treats". She also has to be the first to do anything or she'll growl at him. Pictures of Brandi and Chauncey will come at a later date so please check back from time to time.

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Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again! Brandi is waiting for you!

This page created by Dianne. Copyright © 2001, 2002 Di Inc. All Rights Reserved.