Our Standards

This group is for those of you that are striving, in your life, 
to be Angels. 
Those who offer assistance to those in need. Always there with a 
kind word or hug to lighten the load for others.  
There will be NO discrimination tolerated in this group. 
Sorry, but you must be 18 or over to be considered for membership.
All races and religions are invited to join. 
We request that you do not attempt to force your personal beliefs 
on other members. We wish to celebrate the right of each member 
to be free to practice their own beliefs and their own uniqueness.
Persons who are unable to get along in a social setting, without 
ruffling the feathers of other members, are not invited to join. 
If this becomes aproblem, you may seek counseling from the leaders
 of the group, if the problems cannot be solved, you may be asked 
to leave the group. Since we are all 'Emgerging Angels' we wish to 
help each member reach their full potiental, after all, none of 
us is perfect. 
Any sites that contain pornography or obsenities, will not be 