Make A Preemie Sleeper Elizabeth Grace - An Amazing Birth Story
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Preemie Sleeper

Preemie Sleeper – Made by cutting down a store bought sleeper

Here are some instructions that I made for making a sleeper that can made to fit a baby from 2 pounds & up by altering a few steps. I made them from the time Elizabeth Grace reached 2 pounds and made them until she reached 5 pounds.

Make a Preemie Sleeper

I enjoyed having REAL stretch terry sleepers for my 2-5 pounder to be in.

These instructions might be a good addition to support preemie pages. Please feel free to do so without any worry to copyright.

I took some VERY SMALL sleepers that I purchased used through GoodWill. The smallest were of the TRIPLET brand (I no longer can find this brand of sleeper). I cut them down to size! I also noticed that COLLARS seemed to cover my baby's tiny face so I preferred clothing without collars. Bands instead of collars work best for this pattern too.

The first step, after turning the STRETCH SLEEPER wrong side out, was to TURN the sleeves up the entire hemmed part of the sleeve ends plus a bit more for the smallest babies.

Then second, I sewed from the turned under sleeve end cuff, around the whole suit feet and crotch up until reaching the other sleeve cuff.

Third, I cut the suit in half at the second or third snap from the top CUTTING AWAY about 1 1/2 inch of fabric, including one of the snaps, and disposing of it. Cut more for a smaller baby and less for a bigger baby.

Fourth, sew the suit back together with a generous 5/8 inch seam allowance.

Fifth, CLOSE the seam allowance by stitching it shut at its outer edge forming a casing for elastic.

Sixth, Start elastic into one end, along the snap row, stitch it down and run it through to the other side of the sleepers row of snaps, and sew it down.

Seventh step; add a snap if necessary to bring the elastic waist together.

WASH and take to baby! I carried mine to the baby's bedside in a new paper lunch bag but I saw most carry their baby's clothes in gallon size zipper bags.

You can adjust for size by how much you fold the sleeves up from first step, seam allowance from the second step and how much you cut from the middle in the third step. I used a doll to help me "SEE" the size I needed since my baby was in the hospital.

These rules are generally thought to be standard in most hospitals but please check with your own hospital to make sure you meet their individual needs. If you are uncertain whom to contact, try starting with the volunteer coordinator for your hospital.

1. Always tie/bind/cut all loose ends.

Loose ties can wrap around fingers, toes, and male genitalia. It is not uncommon for amputations to occur as a result of loss of circulation because of ties and threads wrapping around appendages.

2. Always use hypo-allergenic materials

Newborns, especially preemies are particularly prone to allergies. Please avoid wool.

3. Always use skin friendly materials and avoid Velcro
While some clothing for newborns use Velcro without any problem, most hospitals ask that Velcro not be used for preemie clothing. The corners are sharp and can cause skin tears and the sound is upsetting to some babies.
Nylon snaps are suitable replacements as are ribbon ties.

4. Always use non-metallic snaps and accessories.

For babies in warming beds, this is extremely important! Metal accessories can heat up and burn tender skin. Also, nickel in these accessories can cause allergic reactions or irritations.

5. Remove all pins and needles

As obvious as this sounds, we all tend to forget. Do a once over before donating your items to check for pins and needles.

6. Make sure all decorations are securely fastened.
Do not use fabric glue or basting tapes (like heat and bond) for clothing on viable babies. Always sew on any appliqué that is used. Not only is it a choking hazard for it to come undone but it's not a sign of a good quality garment. That being said, consider adding lace or ribbons to gowns (especially burial gowns) for an added personal touch. Even the plainest gown can be a beautiful work of art with a trailing bow or piece of lace.

7. Don't use glitter or paint.

Both can be toxic in infants and can be peeled and consumed.

8. Wash all donations before donating to remove any pet dander or other allergens from your home. And consider your own health. Wash items after you've been ill and fully recovered prior to delivering or sending to an NICU.

It cannot be stressed enough to wash your garments, especially in homes of smokers. The allergens contained in unclean clothing can be fatal to a preemie or newborn. Also, with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) or Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) illnesses can be deadly respiratory illnesses for preemies.

9. Consider sewing items inside out (with seams on the outside) so that it won't scratch the tender skin.

This is usually reserved as advice for preemies but keep these guidelines in mind when sewing for any baby in the NICU.

10. Avoid yellow!!!!

Most NICUs hate using yellow on babies. It makes them looked jaundiced which can have a couple of unwanted results. First, they look terrible.
Yellow just isn't a flattering color for newborns. Second, the jaundiced look can warrant undo alarm and cause the infant to have to be unnecessarily tested for jaundice.

11. Make sure that any burial gown opens in the back - ALL THE WAY DOWN - and avoid long sleeved gowns with elastic at the wrist.

To make this blunt: When someone dies, their bodies become stiff (a condition known as rigor mortis). Since a newborn's/preemie's skin is thin anyway, having to manipulate a child into a gown without proper openings can cause the skin to break open and separate. The easier it is to open a gown for dressing, the better the appearance of the baby to be presented to the parent for a final good-bye.

12. Use the rule of dressing your own child.

If you made a garment that you wouldn't put on your own child, please consider how the recipients of that gown might feel. They are accepting a charitable gift, that's true; but no one should have to see their child one last time in something unbecoming.

©Shelley McCoy No part of this document may be used without the expressed written permission of the author. This document may not be altered in any way. This document can not be used in whole or in part as part of any other document without expressed written consent of the author.

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