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|| agahota || arthur's rock || bahura || bahura ligpo || batcave || batok || dari-laut || beatrice || bebots ||
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           Anilao is the nearest dive destination for those living in the metropolis. Although, after diving so much in Anilao, you get bored because not much action from the pelagics happen. Actually, no pelagics. Anilao is better known for its macro photography. But then again, my cynical brother says that most dive sites are very good for macro photography but because of the big fish coming by, one would rather enjoy the larger scene. But just when you are about to give up on Anilao, it will surprise you with some large fish. Like one of my dives in Beatrice, 2 eagle rays took my breath away. Then for our second dive that day, from Batok to Beatrice a large hawksbill turtle was hiding in one of the boulders. And a friend of mine actually saw a sun fish. But of course that's one in 500 dives or maybe even more!

Below are some things that you can learn in the dive sites in anilao. Of course all of them are according to my dives. I'll try to make them as accurate as possible to guide you in your dives!


This site was discovered by several dive pros and they combined the first letters of their names and thus agahota came about. Its across the coast of Batangas, situated along Maricaban. It's a slopy dive site with some boulders along the way. There can be some current. Novice divers can dive site. You can expect to see a lot a red tooth trigger fish.

Arthur's Rock

This site starts out as a gradual slope from around 5M. Then you eventually go down to around 18-20M. Then you will see a small wall with some boulders and a small cave or more like a crack. Once in this area, the current can sometimes be really weird. Things to see in this area are sweetlips, emperor fish, surgeons and of course lots of clown fish. This site can be done by beginners.


Bahura means reef. The depth of this site ranges from 10 m to 30 m consisting of slopes, small drop-offs, overhangs and swim throughs. It is much the same as Beatrice Rock with abundant fish and fierce currents especially in the corners. Divers should be warry because down currents can happen. But when the current kicks, you can see some sharks swimming around, turtles, big mouth mackarel, milk fish, red tooth trigger, titan trigger, and lots of tropical fish! This site has to be planned well with the tides. Only for expert divers.

Bahura Ligpo

This is a deep dive. The top of the reef is around 21M/70ft. It looks like a plateau underwater. Some sides have sand alleys, other sides are composed of big rocks with a lot of fan corals jutting out while other side is just a sandy slope. Since this site starts deep it goes down deeper. Some sightings of eagle rays, sharks, turtles, school of barracudas and frog fish are common in this site.


The batcave is between 90 - 100 ft or 30 meters. There is a small cave that you can go through. It's home to midnight snappers as big as three feet. On top of the batcave is a cross at 60 feet where you can fish feed. A bit to the side is the grotto of the Virgin Mary so you can pray underwater. Then you will pass a small wall at 50 feet then you will already see the class room of the Dive n Trek house reef. Batcave can be a dive starting from the lobster cave and ending at the pier of dive n trek.


This site got its name due to its location relative to Sombrero Island. It is behind the island and Batok in english simply means "nape." The dive starts at the shallow around 10M/33ft. Head west and you will see that it forms into a small wall. The top of the wall is around 10M/33ft and it bottoms out at around 21M/70ft. Then its all sand. This site is very good for drift diving and good for novice divers as well.

The top of Batok reminded me of the home of Nemo in the movie. Lots of boulders that you can swim around. There are a lot of anthias, fussilier, octopus and maybe if your lucky a big cuttle fish. The shallow area is very colorful and good for snorklers.


"Beatrice is a divesite known for its tantalizing beauty. But have you ever wondered how this spot got its name? Apparently during the early years of Scuba Diving in Anilao, this was discovered by the early adventurers and one of their lady companion was named Beatrice, They named the site after her.

This is one of my favorite dive site in Anilao. It's actually on the north east corner of Sombrero Island. One side of the rock is slopy and then a mini wall. The other corner goes into a gradual slope or coral garden. This site can have ripping currents. When that happens you will see the orchestra of anthias dancing with the current. Top is at 7M and goes to 25M. Best to stay at around 18 to 20M

Bebot's Rock

This site is situated to the left of Balai resort facing land. It starts shallow 7M/20ft and slopes down gradually. Most of the corals and life are in 12M/40ft. Good for novice divers and can expect some current. Bottom composition are corals and silt. So watch out for your buoyancy!


This is probably the most famous fish feeding dive site in Anilao. Favorite among dive instructors to do their graduation dive. The site is teeming damsel fish, butterfly fish and surgeon fish feeding off your hands. They have been acclimitized to divers.

In the Cathedral, we use the three bouys to descend. Upon going down abundant staghown corals can be observed. As we swim towards the cathedral, sandy patches with garden eels and blue spotted rays may be spotted. At 60 ft we see two rocks and in between is a cross that was brought down by the former president Ramos. Behind the rocks the depth can go down to 80 ft. If we look at the blue, we might be lucky and spot a school of open mouth mackarel passing by. Currents can be very strong in this site.


"Dari-Laut in Malay translates "From the Sea" and was a 4-storey diving hotel barge. It had complete facilities with 2 speedboats that could be winched up, and seaplanes for transport. Originally operated by a private club somewhere near Phuket, Thailand, it's license was revoked after being suspected of being used as an "front" for drug smuggling. It was then sold and towed to the Philippines, which was then operated by Filipino and Singaporean partners. "Struck by lightning" was the insurable reason for its demise later on. Now it lies by Caban Isl. with its roof, winches, and anchor found at 150 ft. During the early years when the Dari Laut wreck was still intact, a foreign diver lost his life when penetrating a room. Recovery divers found him with his head stuck in a porthole, apparently trying to get out in a state of panic. Rumors say that sometimes you could hear subtle screams when diving the wreck! Either that, or you're definitely narc-ed!" (by BM) This is located in between Maricaban and Caban Island.

Dive n Trek

Dive n Trek site is the house reef of Dive n Trek resort. This is very good for classroom lessons. There is no current in the area and a very abundant marine and coral life. This is also the home of giant clams. The fishes are already accustomed to divers. This site is also very good for snorkellers. A school of jacks at ten feet is almost a guarantee. Cuttle fish and squids are also common on the area.

Kirby's Rock

Kirby's stick out of the water. On its shoreward side, it drops to 5 m from where the reef slopes upwards to the shore. this side have good coral cover and fish life, including soft and leathery corals. On the seaward side, the rock drips as a wall to 20 m and then shelves slowly off on sand with coral patches to 33 m. This wall is rich with soft corals, colourful crinoids, good size barrel sponges, white finger sponges, hydroids, sea stars, alabaster sea cucumbers, medium sized gorgonian sea fans, segmented worms and the like. Look closely and you may count the numerous eels inhabiting the rock.


A good site for novice divers with a gradual slope from 9 m to 24 m. Soft corals, stony corals, boulders and small reef fish can be found here. White tip reef sharks used to be seen in this area although it has been long gone. However, some of them have been spotted again. I also saw some black frog fish at arount 19M.

Larry's Garden

In some areas in Anilao, they call this site "New Bahura", but Larry's Garden was named after a divemaster from Balai resort. He mapped this site and they named it after him.

This site I believe is situated Northeast of Sombrero Island. The garden is composed of several rocks. Divers normally are only able to go around the 3 rocks because the top of one rock is at 21M/70ft. The rest just goes deeper and deeper. Currents can also be very strong in this site. Most often than not, divers use a line descent to go down. Usually after the 6th rock, if you peek and move slowly, you will see some white tip reef sharks resting on the sandy area. If you plan to go deeper, there are some more ridges, but I strongly suggest to take proper training before your venture out at that depth.

Mainit Point

Mainit is more exposed than others in the area. Currents can become very strong and afternoon winds can make the surface choppy and spoil visibility. This site, however offers plentiful and varied marine life due to the strong currents. Fish include Moorish idols, Porcupine Puffer fish, snappers, Powder-blue Surgeonfish, jacks, scorpionfish, wrasse and fusiliers as well as all the small reef fish. A school of chevron barracudas and maybe a black tip shark can be found swimming at aroud 20 M or shallower. Sleeping white tip reef sharks can also be found at around 15M underneath a rock. Not adviseable for novice divers.

Rockport Wreck

Rockport Wreck is located in front of the Rockport Resort. It's a fishing vessel about 40ft long. It is accesible from the Rockport Resort. Basically, you start to descend on the last bamboo. Take your bearing cause you can get disoriented because of a bad visibility due to silt. The last bamboo right behind you, the resort is 150 degrees. Descend to 90 ft then head towards 120 degrees. The distance of the bamboo to the wreck is about 15 ft away. The bow of the wreck is at 70 ft and the stern at around 110ft. Following the bow of the ship towards the shallow will lead you to the house reef in front of the resort. The wreck is home to a huge grouper, huge stonefish and huge lionfish.

Sepok Wall

Normally an easy and very pretty dive, with good coral gardens around 5 m and a wall dropping to 27 m. The shallow water teems with a profusion of small reef fish, while the wall has bigger reef fish, Barrel Sponges, gorgonian sea fans, a multitude of different species of nudibranchs, sea cucumbers and pelagic visitors. Usually visibility is great in this area.

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