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Castaway Cay Parasailing

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Parasailing at Castaway Cay, how better to describe it then with pictures. These were taken on our Easter 2002 cruise. Below the left column is shots from while up in the air (taken with a Fuji one use waterproof camera), the right column is shots from the boat (taken with my Sony digital,by a kind fellow flyer).

first airborne photo
You start sitting on the boat deck.
The banana boat passing underneath.
Airborne, the photo in the upper left was taken about the same time.
When you get to the end of the 600 feet of rope, the boat looks pretty small.
And from the boat, you can't be seen.
Unique Views of the Wonder from the air.
Coming down
Almost back, flight is over too quickly.
The Parasailing excursion has gotten so popular, they now have two boats. Here's a shot with their parasailer above the Wonder.
A part of Castaway where guest do not roam.
and that person's pin point landing.
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