¤!*DaNiEllE's PaGe*!¤

Hey! Another new update!! I would change the backround, but I like it!! Ahh..I know how to work this now..it's great! I hope you guys like this, but just tell me if you think I should add something. I am starting to like this better than Homestead now, and I am not updating that one, so don't go there! Arrgg...School is almost here..I don't even know when it starts!! I just don't want to go back!! BLAH! Um, sign my guestbook..not too many people sign it. Well, I hope you like my webpage. Email me...I love getting new mail. Cya!

¤My Mood is:¤ *My Mood*

Oh yeah..I also have an expage, so if you wanna check it out then the addy is: http://www.expage.com/danniishot

"I DoNt WaNnA bE nUmBeR oNe cUz bEiNg nUmBeR OnE mEaNs ThErE iS a TwO oR tHrEe...I jUsT wAnNa bE tHe ONLY oNe!!"

Quote from a movie:
"You can't help who you love, Derek, your not suppose to. When you love sombody you love um. Look at me, atleast you found somebody that loves you back."
~Save the Last Dance -I love that movie so much so I had to put it on here!

My whole life has changed
Since you came in, I knew back then
You were that special one
I'm so in love, so deep in love
You make my love complete
You are so sweet, no one competes
Glad you came into my life
You blind me with your love, with you I have no sight
~Ginuwine "Differences"~

8/21/01...Hm, I made a new quotes thing...and I added Friendship + Cute quotes pages...I suggest you read all of my quotes...they are SO cute + true! I redid the shoutouts!! I made a page for Tina. I updated the about me...and I am gonna get more pictures on here SOON!

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Email: hottangel_dd22@hotmail.com

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