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Alone with my friends,
Surrounded, they never go away.
I want to be alone, yet
At the same time, I am so lonely.
No one can help me right now.
Because although I need help, I
Let no one near enough to aid.
They look at me, seeing my unsmiling face,
Finally out from behind my facade
And they ask, "Who is that girl?"
It's me, it's me,
And all I want is a friend
A someone to talk to
And although they surround me
They will not do
Because they all think that I am happy
And they all think that I am fine
And they see me, for the first time,
Without a smile on my face
And they do not recognize that
I am not the person they think they know.
I am instead a girl, desperately alone,
Who needs someone to see that
I am no longer cheerful, but I am still me.
In fact, I am more me than the me they knew.
And they cannot understand this.
